Chapter 3

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The next morning they were all in the main room.

"Hey ____?" Robin said to her

"Oh hey Robin, what's up?"

"Do you wanna go for a walk? It might clear your head up."

"Yeah sure. I'll go and tell Beast boy I'll be gone for a while so he doesn't freak out."

"Yeah okay."

"She went to the couch and saw Beast boy

"Hey ____." he said while he kissed her cheek.

"Hey I'm gonna be gone for a bit."

"Oh? And where are you going?" Beast boy said with a smile

"Robin wants me to take a walk with him. To clear my head."

"Oh I'm okay. Just don't do anything you'll regret." He said smiling

"I won't bye." she said while she walked with Robin

They walked out the tower and started walking. She was looking at the clouds.

"So... what's been bugging you lately?" Robin said breaking the silence.

"It's what I saw... It was with my parents and the junk with Slade."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Com'on you could tell me."

She sighed and told him what she saw

"Wow that's terrible." Robin said

"I know worst of all, I don't even know if the lived that accident."

"I know what's it's like to loose your parents to someone." Robin said

She took a deep breathe in and they walked by a couple who was pointing at her and whispering to her husband.

She looked familiar to her.

"Excuse me young girl, are you ____?"

"Yes. I am."

"The Teen Titans ____? Like with powers that are blue when you use them?" The man asked


"Oh my gosh we have finally found you." The women said picking her up.

"And who exactly are you? And why are you hugging me?"

The lady smiled,"I am your mother. And this is your father." she told her pointing to the man

"What? No your not. They died in a car accent."

"Believe it or not we survived."

"Oh yeah and how did you do that." ____ said with her arms crossed.

"After you were took away by that strange man, the fire fighters came and we were in a coma for 6 years. After that we awoke and immediately began searching for you. To see if you're alive, then we heard about all you throughout the city's we've traveled." The mother said

"You... Heard about me?"

"Oh yes a lot actually, ____ the super villain,____ the Teen Titan!"

"Whoa. I don't believe it, you're my mom. And your my dad." They both nodded and ____ jumped up and hugged them.

"I see you have met someone." She said looking at Robin.

"Hello I'm Robin the Titans leader." Robin said holding out his hand. She took his hand and shook it

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