Now And Forever

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2 months have passed since WrestleMania, and in that time, their were some big returns and some shocking debuts. Ashley did a promo celebrating her win, and after that she along with Brandon were given a week off to recover. They decided to just chill out in Florida in preparation for their wedding in few days. They went to the beach to relax and reminisce.

Ashley: Man doesn't it feel good to be champion!

Brandon: Agreed!
He said as they clanked their drinks together in a toast.

Brandon: ...but it feels a lot better to be chilling at the beach in my home state with the woman I love!

He said with a smile as he kissed her on her forehead and she kissed back.

Ashley: I couldn't agree more!

They sighed and looked out at the calming waters in front of them. Brandon closed his eyes to listen to just the waves crashing on the shore. A few minutes later as Ashley went out to practice more surfing, Brandon heard footsteps coming towards him followed by a familiar voice.

Becky: Nice weather here eh?!

Brandon opened his eyes to see none other than the Irish Lass Kicker herself standing beside one of the pillars of the tent.

Brandon: Definitely! This is one of the reasons I love coming here... well the second best.

Becky: What's the first?

Brandon pointed in Ashley's direction.

Brandon: Watching her be happy.

Becky: Awe!
She said looking out at her surfing. She knew after all they've been through, this made it all worth it.

Just then Ashley walked up to the two of them.

Brandon: Killing it out there babe!

Ashley: Thanks hun! Hey Becks!

She said as she kissed him and high fived her best friend.

Ashley: ...but it is getting quite lonely out there.

Brandon: Ash you know I can't surf righ-

Ashley giggled
Ashley: Don't worry, I'll teach ya, if you want.

Brandon looked at Becky, he wanted to continue catching up, but he wanted to keep her happy. Plus he always wanted to try it out. Becky walked up next to him.

Becky: Hey, don't worry about me...

Brandon: That's the problem, I can't. Not after all that's been going on between us, all three of us.

Becky shushed him and reassured him with a smile.

Becky: Go, she's waiting.
She encouraged him as she patted him on the back.

Brandon: Thanks.
He said as he hugged her, grabbed his custom surfboard, and followed Ashley out to the waves. Becky stood there just outside of the tent, smile still on her face, looking out at her two best friends since day one. One she met in high school back in the day. The other she met thanks to the WWE. Now seeing the two together after all they've accomplished in WWE couldn't have made her any happier.
With that the training session was underway, as Ashley tried to teach her fiancé how to surf. After a few minutes, he got the hang of it and rode some gnarly waves as Ashley took pictures and cheered him on. She later posted the pictures to Instagram with the caption as follows

@mscharlottewwe- Who new I was a good surfing instructor! My man killed it on the waves! Get it Babe!! @myboikp43

After their eventful day, the three headed back to his house to get some shut-eye for the wedding in a few days. Ashley was taking a shower and getting ready for bed, as Brandon was watching TV in the living room. Becky quietly walked in and took a seat next to him.

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