Relationship Issues

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A few hours later, Brandon woke up in a local hospital a few miles from the arena. He was rushed their after medical personnel got word of what happened. He had surgery done to his neck which put him out of action for a few months. Fellow superstars were quick to take shots at Becky, but consoling Brandon at the same time.

On social media

@alexa_bliss_wwe: I don't know what's going on with Becky lately, but I don't like it. Is that just her thing now, gutting people in, then stabbing them in the back? Even though I didn't see it first hand, doesn't mean I didn't know you did it. Not cool Mrs. Lynch. Not cool! 😡

@itsBayleyWWE: It's just shameful what this world does to one another. Brandon, if you just so happen to be reading this, on behalf of the Raw Women's Division, we send our condolences to ya. I know your on a different brand, but that doesn't mean your not a good kid by any means. I've (admittedly) watched some of your matches in Japan and other various companies, and honestly you got some serious talent in the ring. Best wishes and a speedy recovery! Hey maybe one of these days we can meet each other at like a pay per view or something.

@MsCharlotteWWE - I am sooo sorry for what happened to you Brandon. I didn't know she was gonna do what she did. Neither did I know she had it in her. I have since decided to cut her out of my life until further notice. Always remember that I still love you Brandon. I always have, and I always will. #getwellsoon

@BeckyLynchWWE - I don't know what the hell I was thinking. I don't have anything against you, really I don't. I'm writing this to formally apologize for my actions over the past few weeks. @myboikp43 , I don't care if we don't talk anymore. To be honest, I wouldn't talk to me either after what I've done. Hopefully you have a speedy recovery, get back in that ring, and do your thing. Have an awesome career! You belong here. Thanks. For everything.

A few weeks later, Brandon was chilling at his house alone. Charlotte was on tour in Europe, Rebecca was still nowhere to be seen. Sure it was lonely, but he was making due with what he had. While he was sitting on the couch, he took a selfie with a new scar on his neck.

@myboikp43 - Well, I've gone through worse, but this one hit me personally. When you get knocked down. You just gotta build yourself back up. As far the Irish one goes. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Either way, thank y'all for the get well soon messages. You guys are like my second family with how long I've been on the road with you guys. Hope to get back it the ring soon!

@MsCharlotteWWE- Missing you already hun, take your time healing up so you can come back stronger than ever! Love Ya! ❤️

@itsBayleyWWE - awe, well we'll always be here for you brother! Can't wait to see back in the ring! It's gonna be epic!

Brandon chuckled as he started to get ready for the next few days without wrestling.
On his off time, he got to catch up on many of his own live shows and projects that he wasn't able to complete while he was on tour. One day, he was working on music. The next he was working on recording/editing videos. Throughout all this in the back of his mind he was thinking about the events that occurred within the last few weeks, if his friendship with his close friend was over, and what was next for himself and Ashley in the future.

A few minutes later, one of his concerns came to fruition.

*knocking at his door*

Becky: can we...just you know... talk f-for a minute?

Brandon opened the door to his room as they both made their way to the couch.

Becky: So about this whole "Brother and Sister" thing...

She paused and nearly broke out in tears.

Becky: I-I don't think I can do this anymore.

Brandon: Wait, what!?

Becky: I-I gave myself a few days after the attack to think things through, and as soon as I looked on Twitter, everyone was attacking me and defending you. To be honest, I wouldn't blame them. The first attack was bad as it was, but the second time is where I really crossed the line. I am so sorry for calling your grandma the B-word. I-I don't know what came over me. You know me well, I'm not one to bash on family members. That's why I wanted to end this thing between us, just for a little while you know, to help cooler heads prevail, and maybe get us back on the same page.

She could see that he was distraught. This was his friend from way back in their high school days essentially ending their friendship for a while just to calm down, but he understood where she was coming from. Becky brought him in for a hug that lasted longer than expected and patted his back as he teared up.

Becky: Hey, it's okay. Trust this is just as hard for me as it is for you. But I assure you, we'll get this whole thing situated, and we'll be back and better than ever soon.

They eventually let go, as Becky had to get back on the road for her live events, but as she was leaving, she wrote a note and left it near his keys as she walked out of the house.

After the fact, she didn't answer any questions on social media about the matter, in fact she didn't post anything about him for the time being. She just wanted to keep the rest of this between them.

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