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(A/N: None of the art belongs to me, and neither does Attack on Titan)

"I can't believe it!" Your mother irritatedly yells as she walks into her house, slamming the front door in the process. 

"What is it mom?" You ask in confusion as you get up off the living room couch and walk towards her. 

"I just got fired from my job." 

Your jaw dropped in fear. 'Does this mean we're going to have to sell the house? Will she find a new job? What will father do?' All sorts of thoughts were running through your head, but they got cut off when your mother added on:

"Don't worry, I know someone in a different city who will be willing to hire me. I'll contact them immediately."

You sighed in relief, but you were still filled with some anxiety. You've lived in the same place your whole life, and moving out was a very foreign idea to you. 

'I really don't want to move out. I don't wanna leave the place I grew up in. I don't wanna lose the community I've been so attached to my whole life; all of my friends- some of which who don't even have phones- I'll lose them all. But if I stay here, I'll probably lose my house. Sacrifices must be made, and my personal feelings are not as important as financial issues.' 

"Alright, mother, I hope you get hired in a new hospital as soon as possible." You stated with confidence. And with that, you went upstairs into your room to mentally prepare yourself for the move. 


(Y/N)'s POV

Days passed by, and summer break has only 3 more weeks left. Yesterday my mother got accepted into a new job in a new hospital- with a higher salary, too. 

I'm relieved. All of my bags are packed, and we are leaving into the new city (A/N: the reason I don't ever state the city, is because I'm letting ya'll choose your favorite cities. Whether it's Berlin, Vienna, LA, San Fransisco, Tokyo, or whatever. Ya'll can choose! In my head it's just a fantasy city, like NYC but less populated. Or a little like Cologne, Germany) in approximately 5 hours. 

"Mom, I'm so stressed out about this... I'm so scared to move into a new school." I blurted to my mom at the dinner table. 

"Honey, don't worry. I'm sure you will make many friends. You're very like-able." 

"What if they don't think that? I mean, what if I screw my first impression up?"

"You won't, and even if you do honey, I'm sure they'll like you in time."

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression..." I sighed to myself as I put my dishes in the sink and proceeded to walk upstairs into my room. 

I whipped my phone out to text my friends. The friends I probably won't ever see again. At least my mom will be making that coin. 

Me: hey Jungkook and Jimin. I'm officially moving out in ~4 hours. I'm moving to [city name]. Please come visit me sometime. 

Chim Chim: Aw man...I really hoped you could stay. Don't worry!! We'll keep in touch <<<333 :D

Kookie: U best believe my ass about to come visit u once I start making that dough...

Me: thank u guys so much. I'm so nervous ab meeting all these new ppl. My mom says i am like-able but im not sure if thts true?  plz help

Kookie: trust me, U're very likeable..Thats why we're your friends!

Chim Chim: It's true, I'm sure you'll have a very fun time! Don't forget to introduce us to your friends, and if you ever need anything msg us!

Kookie: yes b if u need me to WHOOP someones ass just hmu I will sticck a stick in their stick

Me: Damn son lmfao. Alright thanks guys, lysm (no homo)... I'm going to the airport soon so see ya'll after I land. Bye!!! 

Chim Chim: bye! <3

Kookie: See ya!


"Attention all passengers, this is your pilot speaking. Welcome to [city name]. The plane will be landing in approximately 30 minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts and do not get out of your seat until the seatbelt sign turns off. If you are visiting, I hope you enjoy your stay. If you are returning, welcome back."

You were woken up by the sound of the pilot speaking. As soon as you heard you were landing in 30 minutes, your stomach was filled with so many butterflies it felt like it could explode. 

You spent the next 30 minutes fidgeting and overthinking literally everything. The planes wheels came out and with a large thud, it was on the ground. Eventually it slowed down but it wasn't time to get off yet.

"We have landed. In 5 minutes the seatbelt sign will turn off. If this is your final destination, please take terminal B to immigration and baggage claim. If you are transferring to another flight please take terminal A to transfer flights. I hope you enjoyed your flight." 


'DING!' the seatbelt sign turned off and everyone was rushing out of their seats and getting their bags. Your mom got your bag and hers, and you proceeded off the plane. 

--------------------------- (le time skip because who wants to write a whole ass chapter on the airport)

You were driving to your new home, snapchatting pictures of this new suburban neighborhood to all of your friends. 

*Snapchat: Jungkook is typing*

*Snapchat: From Jungkook*

You checked what Jungkook said, 

Jungkook: That neighborhood is like hella better then the one u just lived in... U livin good...lemme move in doe 

Me: At this point I am not against doing that...

*Snapchat: Jimin is typing*

*Snapchat: From Jimin*

You quickly went back and checked what Jimin also said- you will admit, talking to your friends is calming your anxiety VERY much. 

Jimin: I'm glad you had a safe flight! 

Jimin: That place is beautiful btw. I definitely want to visit sometime! 

Me: Thank u very much! I agree. If u visit i will be very happy!!!! 

You put your phone away and payed attention to the scenery. It was very beautiful, and you could see the city in the distance. The houses were big, but not mansion-like. You finally arrived to your house, and thankfully, there was already furniture there, as your mom had designed and ordered everything online before you arrived. 

You explored the house, finding your room, which was of a large size, consisting of a big bed, a desk, multiple closets, and more. 

You plopped on your bed, receiving some texts from your friends, though you were too sleepy to reply. You closed your eyes and fell asleep. Excited yet fearful for the coming days ahead.

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