jimin's arrival

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School today was WHACK. Charlotte wasn't there, Levi glanced at you a couple times but his overall attention was on Petra. They were even kissing during lunch and she was sitting on his lap. 

HOWEVER you remained unbothered because today was also the big day. Jimin was coming! It's 4 PM and he should be here soon. Your phone started ringing and you picked it up, 

"Hey Jimin!!! Have you landed yet?" you asked

"Yeah, I'm at baggage claim! Please send me your address, I wanna visit you right away!"

"Ok, I'll text it to you. I can't wait to see you!!!" 

"You too! See you soon!" 

And with that, he hung up. From the way you guys were chatting, people would presume you're already dating. But he's just a very good friend who's helped you through lots of tough times, as is Jungkook.  


Your doorbell rang. You immediately ran to the door and opened it. 

"I missed you bro!!" You yelled in excitement as you hugged him, and he hugged you back 

"I did too! Ok so I convinced my aunt to buy a house in this neighborhood, so we're gonna be neighbors! At least for the time being!" 



You guys hugged again.

'It should be easy to be in a pretend relationship' you thought. 


The next day was school. You walked a bit and saw Jimin waiting for you, his house was just a couple houses down. 

You walked to school with Jimin. Everyone stared at him because he was so cute. It even caught Levi's attention that you were hanging out with him, but you ignored it and kept going. 

"This is my boyfriend Jimin guys, he goes to a different school but he'll be here for some time." You said to your friends. They all introduced each other and everyone was cool. 

You and Jimin had the same math class. You tried to convince the teacher to let you switch your seats. "Can I please sit with Jimin? He's my boyfriend." 

"No. You will just chat the whole time." 


"No. Go sit beside Levi." 

You sighed as you bid farewell to Jimin and sat beside Levi. Jimin glared at Levi almost as hard as Levi glared at him. Jimin sat the seat behind you to the right, so you could pass notes to him. 

"So this is kid is your boyfriend?" Levi asked you in the middle of class. 



Everyone was assigned homework, but this time you were handed two papers. The other was meant to be passed. You slid it too hard on purpose so it fell on the floor. 

"Wow." (a/n: lol another fanfic inspired me for this scene so shoutout to them!)

Levi bent over and picked it up and set it back on his table. 

After math class you went to lunch. Levi was with Petra and you could tell he was glaring at you. 

'I honestley don't know why he is glaring at me if he has such a big crush on Petra like shoo' you thought. 

No one else was at your table yet, they were all getting their food. 

"Dude Jimin we gotta kiss" you whispered in his ear 

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