My Crazy Ranting: Darkest Minds Edition #1

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        I don't know if this is just my area, but I feel like no one here is in the Darkest Mind fandom. When I finally meet a book lover, I always ask if they read my favorite book and series. Most of the time they love Harry Potter and The Hunger Games (I mean, why would I even talk to someone who doesn't like Harry Potter and Hunger Games, Duh) but the rest of the conversation usually go down like this:

          Me: So do you read The Darkest Minds?

          Person: I'm a really big fan.

           Me: Really?? What's your favorite book in the series? (Excited)

           Person: I haven't read the book yet.

           Me: Oh, so you watched the new movie?

           Person: No, not yet but I want to.

            Me: Then how do you know enough information to be a fan?

            Person: I saw the trailer it look really cool.



           Me: NO, no, no, no, Do NOT classify yourself as a fangirl or boy, if you haven't memorize at least one page of the book or one scene of the movie. NOnononono... Good bye.

DISCLAMERS: This does not mean to offend anyone, this is just my weird ranting. Thank you for reading through this random-a*s book. That's it for this crazy chapter.   Fangirl out, byeeeee.


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