Harry Potter: Edition #2

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     Soooo, I finally decided to update this book, even though no one read this... I'm depressed......(JK, [insert nervous laughter]). That's another story for another time.

        Sometime today, I finally download Hogwarts Mystery on my new phone. In case you were wondering why I didn't download it before, my old phone was, and I quote "isn't compatible with this version". I was so sad, everyone was so hype with this game and I feel sooo left out. And when the hype finally died down, I got a new phone.

     Behold, my old phone broke, my idiot self decided it would be fun to hit the Snooze Button on my phone so hard that it fell off of my nightstand and completely shattered the phone. True story.

        Anyway, I finally download the game and I absolutely love it. It's very fun to play and the storyline is so interesting, that's all I'm going to say about the story. Quests is easy and very rewarding, but I wish there were more music in the game, the silence is kinda boring, in my opinion. I think I'm addicted to this game now. So, if you're a Potterhead and you're looking to fill the hole in your heart since you ran out of fanfiction to read. This game is for you.

                      That's it for this crazy chapter, thank you for staying here with me, and NO, this chapter is not sponsored

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                      That's it for this crazy chapter, thank you for staying here with me, and NO, this chapter is not sponsored. This is just a game I genuinely enjoy and I want to share this amazing game with you. Fangirl out, byeeee.

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