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Dance with the devil if you so choose.

The music in her ears kept her separated from the people in the car with her. Her eyes never left the terrain as the hours dragged on. And they did drag on. It gave her so much time to think about the man in Theo's office this morning and how she hadn't flinched away from the death her words had brought.

Many of the songs on Jocelyn's device were harsh noise, but there was a playlist she had found full of the classical music she had come to love so much. It reminded her of her little home on the beach and the ocean. Each memory that surfaced was more potent than the last and made her throat close.

These memories and the memory from this morning made her question for these hours who she was. Lexi didn't know who she was anymore and what was rooted in her core. There was something shifting and changing in her that was tearing her in half. There was something in her core that was fighting to come up. Lexi had felt it before but never had the feeling been as strong as it was now. The feeling was more than frightening.

The terrain finally started to fall away with the lights of a city coming into view through the darkening sky. It made her blink back and sit back in her seat. Her gray eyes moved from the window to the man sat so comfortably beside her behind the wheel.

Theo had cleaned up. His dark hair was fluffier and not half-assed slicked back since his haircut maybe two days ago. His jaw clenched for a moment as his eyebrows came down. He had rolled the sleeves of the dark blue shirt up just below his elbows, displaying two muscled forearms. One arm was resting on the console between them and a hand was on the wheel. If Lexi didn't despise him so much, she would consider him attractive.

Her eyes shifted away out the windshield as his lips began to move. It was also the perfect time to turn up the mp3 player wedged between her thighs so she wouldn't hear his voice grating through the music. This sounded very Chopin, she decided as she tried to ignore the glare.

His finger clipped her neck as he ripped the earphone from her ear. A loud pop made her snap her head in his direction. Her eyes narrowed on him as he glared back at her.

"Don't touch me," she snarled.

"Turn it down," he grumbled.

Theo turned himself back to forward facing in the driver's seat. Lexi imagined he believed he'd won this small battle in the raging war between them, but she knew it wasn't over. So as petty as possible, she put the earphone back in her ear before turning it up louder on the device. His hand on the console snapped closed into a fist before he reached over and pulled both earphones from their places.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she snapped.

"I asked you to turn it down, Alexia. You did the opposite." His anger was evident in the callous twist of his voice.

"You can piss off."

Her body slammed against the locked seatbelt which send the mp3 player flying from her lap. Lexi couldn't rest back until the sound of gravel hitting the underside of the SUV was louder than his anger. The car didn't stop until there was a visible curb through the headlights.

Lexi immediately brought her hand up to her chest as she gasped for air relentlessly. As she did, she panted out, "You're going to get us killed."

The fire that sprung forth in her skin whenever he touched her had started to spread wildly as his hand wrapped around her chin and pulled it so they were face to face. Her hands flew up quickly to wrap around his wrist to try to pry his warm, calloused fingers from her. But, it wasn't going to happen. She knew that.

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