12. Tinker

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"What are you doing in here alone?" I heard a voice ask from the doorway. Right now I'm in the movie room at the house my uncles are renting and I just started Rent on Netflix. Tonight they had a welcome party with the Avenger's 4 cast that are filming right now and I just needed a break from the group.

"Just taking a breather," I said not pulling my eyes away from the screen a little annoyed that even though I just started it my movie was already interrupted.

"Mind if I join?" The person asked except closer to me this time. I finally looked up and there was Sebastian and it was almost as if I forgot how to speak, so I just shrugged to try and play it off.

"That's fine. I hope you're okay with Rent," I said snuggling into the blanket more.

"More than okay. I don't think we met properly earlier, I'm Sebastian," he said holding his hand out to me.

"Wendy," I replied.

"As in Wendy Darling from Peter Pan?" He asked amused.

"Yeah, but I always liked Tinkerbell better," I said referring to what I wanted to be called when I was younger. He smiled and thought for a second before speaking.

"Then I'll call you Tinkerbell, or Tinks, or Bell, or simple Tinker. No ifs ands or buts about it," he said and I laughed before nodding my head and turning to face the screen. Every time I watch Rent whether I realize it or not I end up singing along, since I've seen it so many times, and usually Noah is the one to point it out to me.

"You have an amazing voice. Do you want to be a singer?" Sebastian asked once again interrupting the film and annoying me a little bit.

"Nope. I'd rather have it be just something I do for fun," I said looking at him for a beat after I spoke and then turned back to continue the movie. It went along a little while longer before he spoke again.

"So you're into musicals?" He question and I raised an eyebrow at him and he gave me an innocent look of confusion even though I'm sure he knew exactly what he was doing.

"Very," I curtly replied before once again looking back at the screen hoping he would finally get the hint I just wanted to watch this movie before heading back to the party to interact. I felt him staring at me so I paused the movie and gave him my full attention giving up on the hopes of finishing the movie.

"What's going on in your mind?" I asked turning and facing him as I put my hair into a ponytail since I know I'd play with it the whole time we spoke if we didn't.

"Nothing, you just bring out a curiosity in me that nobody else has," he said and I let out a small smile.

"Odd because we just officially met like forty minutes ago," I said glancing at the time stamp of where I had paused the movie. 

"I know, but even before then. When you mentioned Mark and I in your post I scrolled through your pictures and even watched a few of your YouTube videos. I feel like there's so much more inside of you that you don't show the camera and I want to get to know that side of you," he said surprising me. Nobody has ever really wanted to get to know the real me after I started my channel. They all expected what they saw online and when I didn't deliver they all got bored. Of course my fellow YouTubers didn't because they understood the expectations, but nonyoutubers expect me to act the same way 24/7 and it's draining.

"Good luck with that. Nobody has met all of me," I said fiddling with the edge of the blanket.

"Well than it's a challenge then Tinks," he said winking at me before reaching for the remote and pressing play. As his focus was on the screen I just continued to watch him as my own curiosity about him too over my being.
"Where have you been?" Noah asked as I came up beside him with a now full glass of vodka and fruit punch mixed together.

"You know Drinnie likes to escape the crowd at some point. Just watched Rent," I said and he raised an eyebrow at me as his attention was pulled to the man approaching us.

"There she is. I was going to offer you a drink but it seems as if you already have one Tinker," Sebastian said smiling as he held two cups in his hand. I felt Noah looking at me, but I refused to look at him right now.

"Yeah plus I like fruit punch and vodka," I said holding up my cup before taking a sip out of it.

"Another time then. After all I do still owe you that date for nearly causing your brother a heart attack that day,"

"Oh, okay. You were serious about that?" I asked him and he nodded his head smiling.

"Oh very,"

"I'm going to leave and let you two talk. Sebastian find me later so we can properly meet," Noah said before walking away. Once he was behind Sebastian he caught my eyes and mouthed "Tinker" with questioning look on his face and I gave him a slight head shake as to say not now.

"What are you doing this weekend?" Sebastian asked.

"Oh my god you weren't kidding. You were actually serious," I said laughing and he chuckled.

"Told you I was. So this weekend?"

"Right, well unless my Uncles planned something without telling me then I'm free other than editing my vlog of this week and the get ready with me for this party," I said as I began to lean against the wall next to me.

"So how does Friday at ten sound? I know a little whole in the wall karaoke spot here. They also happen to have really good food,"

"Friday at ten it is then. I should probably go make sure my brother doesn't do it over the drunk flirting. I see him making a beeline for Elizabeth and I have to go save him from himself," I said handing Sebastian my cup and then walking across the room to where my brother was.

"Tinker? What was that about?" Noah asked as the two of us plopped down onto the couch.

"I'll explain tomorrow when I'm more sober. Right now I need to sit here and avoid Sebastian and Mark for the rest of the night. I feel Drinnie about to come out in full force, so I'm going to try and sober up," I said and he just laughed at me.

"You're adorable sister dear. Mark already dubbed you his girlfriend so I think you're good with voicing your thirst thoughts about him to him," he said and I rolled my eyes before laying back and crossing my hands over my stomach. I closed my eyes until I felt a presence standing over me.

"Is she okay man?" I heard an English accent ask above me and this caused me to open my eyes. Tom Holland was standing above me and looking at Noah for an answer.

"Yeah she's good. She's just avoiding Sebastian so she won't drunk flirt with him," Noah explained as I sat up and hit his arm.

"Ahh drunk flirting. The work of the devil. I'm Tom nice to meet you guys," he said sitting down where my legs had just been.

"You too man. I've been a fan of your work for ages," Noah said smiling at him.

"We're around the same age right?" I asked him.

"If you're around twenty-two then yes," he said and I nodded my head.

"Twenty-four and twenty-two," I said pointing between Noah and I.

"Finally more people around my age! Have you guys met Letitia yet?" He asked and I shook my head. He stood up and left leaving Noah and into look at each other in confusion only answered when he came back with Letitia.

"More people our age," he said to her and she smiled.

"Nice to meet you guys! Your uncles never stopped gushing about you two," she said as I reached out my hand for her to shake. For a majority of what was left of the night the four of us sat on the couch and got to know one another. We even exchanged numbers and started a group chat for the four of us. As people started to leave I started to sober up a bit and helped Anthony pick up a bit.

"I don't know why we held this tonight. Tomorrow we're all going to be on set with hangovers, we didn't think this trough," Anthony said with a groan as he bent down and picked up a plastic cup off the ground.

"It's because you're old and can't party anymore old man," I said patting his back before walking away. My uncles are honestly the best and we have a really close relationship since mine and Noah's dad wasn't really in our lives growing up.

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