When agreeing to go spend time on set with her uncles Winnie didn't expect anything more than oogling over the man she calls Mark "Daddy" Ruffalo the whole time. As she spends more time on set with the cast a certain Romanian draws her into his orbi...
It's been two months since my accident and I'm one hundred percent cast free at this point in my life! Sebastian is now back in the US, but he's in New York and I'm in LA. We make it work though, there are a lot of texts, facetime calls, and simple phone calls. Today though he's flying out to LA along with Tom, Haz, and Harry and we're all going to a rehearsal of Hairspray Live! with Maddie since she did promise me a chance to meet Harvey Fierstein and I'm beyond excited.
"I think I'm going to do it today," Noah said as he, Raven, and I hung out in the living room of the house that I share with my brother.
"Great, but what exactly are you doing brudda?" I asked in confusion.
"I'm going to ask Dottie o be my girlfriend. I mean we've been dating for four months now, why not make it official? Ya know?" He asked with a shrug and I smiled at my little brother. We may rag in each other and annoy the hell out of the other but at the end of the day all either ya ya wands is for the other to be happy.
"Damn now I feel the need to come clean. Thanks Noah," Raven said with a sigh placing her phone down.
"What do you have to confess?" Noah asked.
"Haz asked me to be his girlfriend last week and I said yes," Raven said beaming and seeing two of my favorite people at their happiest melted my heart even if that means I am the only single one. And I do mean the only one because Tom and Maddie have been dating for a month, of course they're keeping it out of the public eye for now, but yeah. Yay being single!
"You are all so cute my heart actually can't handle any of you!" I exclaimed and Raven laughed as Noah just stared at me. I could tell he was searching for something, but I wasn't one hundred percent sure as to what he was actually searching for. I shrugged it off and tried to play it cool but they thing is that once Noah thinks something is wrong he won't let it go.
"Are you coming with us to the airport?" Noah finally asked breaking his state and going back to his book.
"Probably not. I haven't a clue as to what I'm going to wear today so I'm gonna stay and figure that out," I said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Noah and Raven left for the airport I got in the shower since I'm the Queen of doing things last minute. I guess I was in the shower longer than I thought because when I walked into my room with only my underwear and bra on I was surprised to find Sebastian sitting on my bed looking down at his phone. I quickly grabbed my robe to cover up as he looked at me with a smile.
"Um hi. What are you doing in here?" I asked as I tied the robe closed.
"Noah said I should wait in here for you to get ready. I guess neither of us banked on you being half naked," Sebastian explained and I nodded my head before walking into my closet to pick out an outfit for today. "Let me help," Seb said and I took a step out and let him pick my outfit for the day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Winnie's Snapchat Story
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I think we're going to have to Uber home," I said to Sebastian as we stood around waiting for Maddie to get out of costume and to bring my idol over to us.
"What makes you say that?" He asked.
"Well my brother and his soon to be girlfriend are driving off with the car now. So Uber it is," I replied while rubbing my arms up and down. Just because it's LA doesn't mean that it won't get chilling at night. Noticing this Sebastian took a step closer and wrapped his arms around my waist as I took a step closer to him and huddled into his chest.
"Where did Dot and Noah go?" Tom asked nothing that two of us had gone missing.
"Noah is going to ask her out tonight," I explained and Tom's eyes widened in shock.
"Damn. Seb and Winnie will be the only single ones left," Haz said and as soon as the words slipped past his lips he earned a light slap in the stomach from Raven. "Shit. Sorry," Harrison said with an apologetic smile. I decided to let it be as I felt Sebastian's wrap tighter around me.
"Someday," he said loud enough for only me to hear.