28. Happiness

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iMessage between Sebastian and Winnie

Harry Styles huh?


Your post. On instagram? I thought you and I were kind of a thing.

So did I but then you stopped texting & calling. Then I saw pictures of you and Margarita in Greece.

My schedule got busy.

If you wanted me in your life you would've made time for me no matter what. It just sucks because I spent most of my time here with my uncles either with you in person or waiting around for you to call, text or FaceTime me. I lost sight of why I actually came and that was to spend time with my crunkles. So while I have a week left I'm not leaving their side. Goodbye Seb.

Wait! I do want you in my life Tinks!

You can't have it both ways. I'm not here for your convince.

Give me a week to figure things out?

You've been gone for 2 months. I think that's enough time for you to have figured out you want her. I honestly hope she makes you happy. Everyone deserves happiness😊

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