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FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 2020 A Long Day﴿

Finally, the day was done.

June let out a sigh of relief as she punched in the alarm code just before she closed the office door and locked it to finish securing the building. Still growing accustomed to the added responsibilities she'd recently acquired, June was all too glad to be on her way home. Instead of concerning herself with work, the cold night air stole her thoughts by jolting her weary mind wide awake. Hints of frost in the wind reminded her of the many winter nights still to come.

Her vehicle sat in the parking lot alone, waiting for its owner to crank it back to life.

As she made her way over to the pickup, the wind's chill jealously wrangled her attention away from anything besides its frigid blasts. Each gust danced around her achy body insisting on reminding her of just how common it was for the weather to be a bit crazy on a January night in northwest Louisiana. The arctic breeze cut through to the bone as it whipped her mousy brown hair around her head. The wind reminded her of how frequently her meemaw had gone on and on telling anybody who would listen that the weather in the South was far too bipolar for decent folks.

"Ain't no way of know'n from one minute to the next if there'll be a heatwave in the morn'n or sleet when you plop your head down after a long back-break'n day." The elderly woman often complained.

Luckily, June had always taken heed to her meemaw's prattlings.

Earlier in the day she had retrieved a heavy button-up sweater from the truck. During the most unpredictable times of the year, June made sure to prepare herself no matter what others chose to do.

She believed she possessed a sixth sense about things just like her meemaw. Whenever she felt a bit of a tingle, she considered what the elderly woman would do in the same situation.

As she focused on reaching her old beat-up truck, a shadowy figure from the corner of her eye caught her attention. Within the few seconds that the key was about to slide into the lock, a presence quickly rushed towards her from the left. The hair on the back of June's neck stood straight on end as the thought crept into her mind that she'd never felt so vulnerable in her entire life. Quickly fumbling and afraid, the spooked woman was no closer to accomplishing the task of opening the truck door. Just before the lock disengaged, a hand reached out and tapped her shoulder scaring the living daylights right out of her petrified frame.

"Leave me alone!"

The scream ripped itself from her lungs as her hands flailed in the air. Both hands were thrown up in a defensive posture, ready to fight if it came down to it. Her keys rested poised between her pointy finger and her middle finger ready to slice and dice if need be. Spinning around to meet her perceived attacker, June realized it was just her co-worker, Zander.

"Are you okay?" An awkwardly deep yet soft masculine voice quieted the fear swelling in her chest.

"Zander? What the hell? You nearly lost an eye. I thought you were a freaking murderer." Air rushed from her lungs as she yelled her frustration at him after initially being terrified by his presence.

"I saw you walk across the parking lot and tried to catch you before you left. I didn't mean to scare you." He explained.

"My god, Zander. You nearly gave me a freaking heart attack. Why were you lurking around out here trying to catch me so late anyway?" Her voice was laced with a bit of annoyance even though her mind acknowledged she was safe.

Though he might be as harmless as a fly, Zander behaved like an absolute weirdo and she wasn't having it.

"Well, I was just wondering if I could bum a ride home. My mother said she'd pick me up, but they called her into work at the last minute."

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