Chapter One

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Arabella looked out of the plane's small window and sighed. Somehow her little sisters, Willow and Rosalie, convinced her to go on this trip with them. It was a big family trip, and by family I mean siblings. How her parents dealt with having four kids was surprising. They were all so close in age too.
Sitting next to her was her older brother Sawyer. Although Arabella really didn't want to go on this trip, Sawyer probably didn't want to go even more. Australia had some bad memories for them all, but Arabella had a few more. They had all made quite a few friends the three years they spent in Sydney, and were eager to see them.
In fact, Rosalie and Willow had called their friends to meet them at the airport. They were still about thirty minutes away from the destination. Arabella decided to put in her headphones so she didn't have to listen to the girls across the aisle shamelessly flirting with her brother.
Now don't get me wrong, they all had gained quite the traits from their parents. Each of the kids had green eyes. Arabella had strawberry blonde hair. Sawyer had darker auburn hair, along with Willow. Rosalie was the "odd" one. Her hair was a shade of blonde. She got that from their mother. They were unmistakably siblings though. They all had a smattering of freckles across their noses and cheeks.
Soon enough after Arabella had gotten used to the tune of Mayday Parade and All Time Low flowing through her speakers the flight was over.
They had arrived in Sydney.

Rosalie and Willow were in the midst of hugging like a billion people so I sat and picked at an imaginary piece of lint on my shorts. Sawyer texted me to gather them so we could meet him at the baggage claim. I sat and waited a few minutes till I intruded into the group.
"Hey guys..." I started off but was quickly interrupted by Rosalie.

" Maria is having a beginning of summer bash tonight! We have to go. Please?" Asked Rosalie.

"Rose..." I started off. Then I saw all the pleading eyes of my siblings and their friends. "Okay, fine."

Arabella hadn't seen Maria since she was about fourteen, but she still looks the same. Petite with short black hair just above her shoulders. Maria was Rosalie's best friend and it seems like nothing has changed since we left.
She hurried her two sisters off to the baggage claim after they said their goodbyes. Sawyer was waiting there with all their luggage. He gave them the key to their hotel rooms. The girls would be staying in a room together.
The trip to the hotel was wonderful. Arabella got to see all the familiar sights of her once loved town. When they pass the hospital though, a pang of hurt hits her heart. Two years ago her dad was there fighting for his life against cancer that didn't seem to want to lighten its grip.
Originally the trip to Sydney was only supposed to be for a few months. It ended up spanning over a long three years. Those years were hard on Arabella's family. They had been used to traveling constantly. Staying in one place for so long only meant heartbreak. At least that's what Arabella found out.

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