Healing, fast

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It had been a few weeks after my failed confession to Wonyoung and I was still feeling the hurt. It's amazing how much damage so little words could do to me. I once again drifted slightly from Wonyoung although I still tried to interact with her normally. Maybe it's a sign that we're not meant to be. Such thoughts riddled my brain and I just wanted to stop and give up. Maybe I could still be her friend at the end of this.

I regretted so much kissing her that night by Han river and setting of this chain of horrible events. It was like that moment plagued my life with bad luck and just ruined everything going right with it. Part of me still wanted to fight for her heart but it just didn't feel like it was worth it anymore. All the pain, all the sleepless nights. It was getting to the point I couldn't take it anymore. I decided after deliberating myself that I had to pull the plug on it for myself and for our friendship too.

At training the next day, I decided to tell Yujin about my decision, so that it felt more official. "Yujin?" I tapped her shoulder as she was listening to music with her earphones. She turned and looked at me with the 'what?' Expression on her face. "I've decided to stop chasing Wonyoung. Sorry for all the trouble my bullshit these past few weeks has caused you."

Yujin took off her earphones, looked at me and said with a sarcastic tone, "Thank god. I didn't want to deal with another moment of you whining about your relationship mishaps." After that she went back to whatever song she was listening to. Well I wasn't expecting much more to be honest. After that, training went on as usual, without much noteworthy things happening. It felt good though, as if a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. My feelings for Wonyoung didn't magically disappear, I just was more accepting of the idea of not dating her because why do I have to? I have no real need to and I think focusing on my training and life in general will get me to a better place.

My relationship with Wonyoung went back to how it was in the past, with us having fun and messing around. No awkwardness, no hard feelings. She was as she was, my friend, and I loved it. Life was great for that period of time and I was really happy, not frustrated or burdened by things that need not worry me. Wonyoung's relationship was going well, and it just seemed to all be uphill from here. Oh how I wish that was how it stayed. It's amazing how many times things turn for the worst just when I thought everything was fine and dandy.

I don't just want to be your Friend(Jang wonyoung)Where stories live. Discover now