Chapter 1

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I'm no stranger to Eruri fanfics but this is my first modern/reincarnation AU. I hope you guys like it!

WARNING: contains massive spoilers from the anime and manga. Read at your own risk.



Levi's alarm buzzed annoyingly by his ear. Sighing, he rolled over and turned it off. He ran a hand over his tired face and stared at the bare, off-white ceiling above. It was Monday, Levi's least favorite day. He woke up with the knowledge that he had an entire week of classes left. But today was the first day of his third year of college so he woke up with the weight of an entire year ahead of him.

Levi sat up in his dorm room bed and glanced over at Hanji, asleep and snoring despite the incessant screeching of their alarm. Levi grabbed a pillow and threw it at them.

"Get our of bed shitty glasses." He growled, using his preferred nickname. They jerked awake, looking around frantically. Levi rolled his eyes and climbed out of bed, retrieving his pillow and tossing it on his bed. He pulled on a pair of nice blue jeans and a black button-down. He had to at least try on his first day.

"How did you ever make it in the survey corps if you couldn't wake up?" Levi snapped as Hanji rolled out of bed. They laughed.

"That was our old life. I hardly have to fight to survive here. Maybe I'm making up for all that lost sleep." Levi rolled his eyes.

"You stayed up doing research, not fighting for your life." Hanji scoffed.

"And that research saved your sorry ass a few times."

"Touché." They finished getting dressed and headed out to meet Petra who was waiting in the lobby.

"Took you long enough." She said, smiling.

"Shitty glasses wouldn't wake up." Levi grumbled.

Petra giggled. "What's new?"

"Hey now!" Hanji jumped to their defense. "I woke up eventually!"

"Only because I threw a pillow on you." Hanji frowned.

"Whatever. Let's get breakfast." The three of them laughed and walked to the dining hall a few blocks away. On the way they discussed usual college issues, who their professors were and what they thought classes would be like. Looking at them, no one would know that they all shared a dark past that only they knew about.

"I have Professor Smith for history." Levi mumbled.

"Professor Smith?" Petra glanced over at Levi. "I've heard about him." Levi glanced over, his interest piqued.

"They say he's a genius." Hanji skipped in between them.

"They say he graduated university at twenty and got his doctorate shortly after." Levi nodded as they approached the dining hall.

"Is he a hard Professor?" Petra sighed.

"Very. I've never heard of anyone getting an A in the class before." Levi rolled his eyes.

"Great. Another blow to my GPA." Petra and Hanji laughed.

"What?" Levi snapped. They walked through the doors and up a few flights of stairs. "I don't have a 4.0 like you guys but that doesn't mean I don't care." Levi grabbed a plate and filled it with eggs, bacon, and fruit before finding a set. The others joined him. They ate in near silence as Eld, Olou, and Günther joined them.

"Levi had professor Smith this semester." Hanji told them.

"You don't think it could be him do you?" Günther asked. Levi shook his head.

"I gave up finding him long ago." Their faces all fell.

"You never know-" Petra began.

"No!" Levi slammed his fist on the table, making them all jump. "Stop trying to give me false hope. Smith is a common last name. It could be anyone."

"But what if-?"

"Captain Levi?" They all spun around to se a shocked boy with messy brown hair standing there.

"Eren?" Eren's face nearly split in two with his smile.

"Captain it really is you!" Eren ran over and Levi stood. Eren nearly tripped as he flung his arms around the smaller man. "Mikasa, Armin, look! It's Captain Levi!" Levi untangled himself from Eren's arms and shook their hands.

"Please, just call me Levi." Eren beamed.

"Yes, yes of course." Levi climbed back into his seat and the three joined them at the table. Eren found some way to talk and eat at the same time. Nothing could shut him up it seemed. He spoke about how his parents were still alive in this life and that Mikasa's were too. He proudly announced that he and Armin were dating and how they finally got to enjoy a real relationship. They got a few questioning stares but people left them alone. Levi glanced at his watch and nearly choked. He was going to be late!

"I have to get going. I'll see you guys later!" Petra looked up from where she was typing her number into Eren's phone and smiled.

"Have a good day!" She said as Levi quickly walked away.

Levi made it to his first class just in time. He even beat the professor. He took a seat at the back of the class and twiddled his fingers aimlessly. It was time to see what this "Professor Smith" was really like. Levi knew it wouldn't be him, and he did everything he could to squash the small glimmer of hope in his chest. It wasn't him. There was no way that it could be-

Levi's thoughts were interrupted when a man came striding in. He was tall with perfectly smoothed down blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Levi's breath caught in his throat. It couldn't be. He tried to study the black suit the man was wearing but his gaze kept drifting back up to his face. There was no doubt about it, it was Erwin Smith. Levi resisted the urge to jump up and hug him and when the man spoke, he had the same voice that Levi remembered.

"Good morning class. I am your professor, Erwin Smith. Let's get started, shall we?"

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