Chapter 9

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"One of the people looks an awful lot like you." Levi froze. So he did remember something. "Were you there?" Levi took a small sip of his coffee, wincing at how hot it was.

"Perhaps." Erwin's hands clenched into a fist.

"You have to tell me."

"I don't have to tell you anything old man-" Levi's face changed to a deep shade of crimson. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" Erwin's face broke into a huge grin.

"I'm assuming that's what you called me in the other life?" Levi glanced down and nodded. Erwin chuckled.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Feel free to call me whatever you like." Levi smirked.

"How about basted, does that ring a bell?" Erwin's smile spread until his eyes crinkled.

"Actually, it does. It just sounds... right when you say it." Levi sighed.

"Maybe one day you will remember." Erwin nodded.

"I hope I do." He said and Levi cocked his head.

"Do you?" Erwin frowned.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Levi shrugged.

"The other life wasn't a pleasant one." They were silent for a long time. Erwin opened his mouth as if to speak but closed it again. He repeated this process a few times before finally giving up and took a sip of his coffee.

"Maybe it's best that you don't remember." Levi murmured.

"Why?" Erwin pressed.

"If you remember, you'll understand why." Erwin narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything for a while.

"Could you at least tell me a little about myself?" Levi shook his head. "Then what about you? What were you like in the other life?" Levi stared hard at Erwin then sighed.

"I was known as humanity's strongest. I was a cold blooded killer. I grew up in a place called the underground. That's where we met." Erwin nodded.

"How did we meet?" Levi bit his lip. He was entering into dangerous ground.

"I was a thief and you came to catch me and came to recruit me into the survey - the military."

"Survey?" Levi frowned. He had to tell him now.

"Our branch was called the Survey Corps." Erwin nodded.

"That sounds familiar."

"I would hope so." Erwin's eyes went wide.

"Is the Survey Corps emblem a white and blue wing?" Levi hesitated then nodded. "I've dreamed about that symbol on a green cloak. A man was wearing it but I couldn't see his face. Levi nodded.

"That's it." Erwin smiled.

"I'm beginning to put the pieces together now. I was in this Survey Corps and you were my subordinate." Levi nodded.

"That's all I'm going to tell you though. So don't push it old man." They both laughed.

"Okay, I'll drop it. Tell me about you in this life then. You said your parents died. Who do you live with?" Levi rolled his eyes.

"I live with my Uncle Kenny Ackerman."

"Kenny Ackerman? The famous designer?" Levi nodded.

"Yep. He's a fucking bastard but I didn't have much of a choice but to live with him."

"Do you have any siblings?" Levi shook his head.

"No pets either. Kennedy never married and he despises animals. I did have a fish when I was very little but it died after a week." Erwin chuckled.

"I had a dog growing up but she died a while ago. Her name was Kaci. She was a golden retriever. She was the best dog ever. She was calm and always listened."

"I've always wanted a cat." Levi mumbled. "Maybe one day I'll get one."

"Once you move out you could." Levi nodded. "You would look good with a black cat." Levi smiled.

"You think so?"

"Yes I do."

"I'll have to get one then." They sat in silence for a long time.

"What about you?" Levi asked. "Are your parents still alive?" Erwin nodded.

"They both are."

"Do they remember?" Erwin shook his head.

"Maybe it runs in the family." Levi laughed.

"I hope not."

"You want me to remember?" Levi sat and thought for a moment.

"If I'm being selfish then yes I want you to remember."

"Why would that be selfish?" Levi took a sip.

"We saw a lot of unpleasant things in the other life. It was nothing like the world we live in now. We were constantly surrounded by death. Every day we risked our lives. It wasn't a very nice place." Erwin didn't say anything. Levi figured he was weighing his words.

"I think despite all of that, I would still like to remember." Erwin said simply. Levi took a drink of his coffee. It was much cooler now.

"Then I hope you do remember. But for your sake, I hope you have a selective memory."

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