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"I made you some breakfast." Levi said as Erwin drug himself from their bedroom. His hair was a mess and he had a few days' worth of stubble on his face. He let loose a huge yawn that made Levi laugh.

"Good morning." Erwin said as he wrapped Levi in his arms. Levi accepted the hug and let his head rest against Erwin's chest. He absentmindedly played with the ring on his finger. They had only been engaged for a week but Levi couldn't hold back his excitement over getting married to the man. They never had the opportunity in the other life but this life was different. Erwin had taken him to the location of their first date - the Palomino - and had proposed to him just as they were finishing dinner. The entire restaurant had clapped for them and congratulated then. They had decided to take things slow, Erwin waited until Levi graduated and got a job before he proposed. Levi was now an elementary school teacher in the suburbs of the city and Erwin still had his job as a professor. They had purchased a house together a few miles south of the city to make Levi's commute easier.

"Erwin get off and let's eat." Levi chuckled, squirming out of the larger man's embrace. Erwin sighed and followed Levi to the dining room. They ate in a comfortable silence. It was a lazy Sunday morning and Levi and Erwin had planned to go to the park later in the day, but it was raining.

"You want to just stay in and have a movie day?" Levi asked halfway through the meal.

"That sounds really good to me." Levi rolled his eyes.

"You always want to stay in." Erwin shrugged.

"I just enjoy having lazy days every now and then." Levi smiled.

"As long as you shave for work tomorrow we can stay in." Erwin rubbed the stubble on his face.

"You don't think I'd look good with a beard?"

"You'd look good no matter what you do but I prefer you clean shaven." Erwin chuckled.

"I'll shave just for you then." They finished up their breakfast then put the dishes in the dish washer. Erwin had finally convinced Levi to use the damn thing. Levi didn't trust it to get the dishes clean enough but finally agreed to start using it due to Erwin's incessant nagging. Erwin drove Levi crazy, but he loved the man none the less. They made their way to the living room and Levi grabbed a few blankets before making himself a nest in the large couch. Erwin sat beside him and draped a lazy arm around his shoulders. They browsed through their selections and finally settled on rewatching The Office.

They stayed there for most of the morning, only interrupting the show for occasional kisses. Erwin helped Levi fix them a simple lunch before heading back to the couch to eat. Levi twisted the engagement ring in his finger, still not used to the foreign weight on his hand. The engagement ring was simple with a small diamond in the middle and two smaller stones on either side but Levi loved it. When Erwin first offhandedly brought up the idea of engagement, Levi jokingly told him not to go overboard on the ring. He was surprised that Erwin even got him a ring. But then again, it was Erwin he was dealing with. The man was a hopeless romantic.

"You seem distracted." Erwin commented, glancing over at the younger man. "You haven't taken your eyes off that ring in a while either. Do you not like it?" Levi rolled his eyes.

"I love it you big oaf. I'm just thinking about the future is all." Erwin smiled and leaned in close, whispering so close to Levi's ear that his breath tickled.

"And am I in this future?" Levi playfully shoved Erwin back.

"Of course. How could you not be?" Erwin chuckled and leaned in to kiss the man passionately. Levi savored the feeling of Erwin's lips against his and melted into the man.

"I love you." Erwin said once he had broken the kiss. Levi smiled.

"And I love you."

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