Chapter One

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A/N Hiya so a few thing you should know before reading this, the story is going to take place after Izuku meets Allmight and gets into UA. Although I am mixing a few things up and I'm giving Izuku a quirk, let's just say that he doesn't want anyone to know about it yet.(for certain reasons). I am also making his past a bit different so yeah....don't hate me.

~Izuku at age five~

As I was watching Tv the news channel came on it was of a Allmight saving a few civilians, as I watched in aww my mom came into the room she look upset. I turned fully towards her "can I be a hero? even if my quirk doesn't manifest?" I asked while tearing up. She stared at me with teary eyes and a smile on her face while answer a few seconds later with a "Maybe Izu but it all depends if you have a quirk but even with that I might worry to much for your safety" I smiled at least mom cares and doesn't hate me.

As I thought that I started to think about what everyone else does even Kacchan my smile quickly disappeared as I looked back over to the Tv that now was showing a interview with Allmight. I sighed while grabbing the remote and turning off the Tv. "Thank you " was all I said to my mom as I walked Quietly passed my now worried mom and back to my room, shutting the door quietly while sighing and landing on my bed searching around my Allmight covered room. I soon drifted off to a dreamless slumber.

~time Skip brought to you by a smutty Kacchan~

As I woke up I started my morning routine and got dressed, I walked down stairs, ate breakfast, put my shoes on, said bye to mom and left. As I was walking I ran into a bunch of Kacchans goons (as I would call them) They started making fun of me being so-called quirk-less as I walked pass them trying to ignore them one of them grabbed me and started to hit me again and again, they finally stopped when the bell rang they all went running toward the school while I slowly got up and limbed my way to the schools entrance once I made It I ran into Kacchan. He looked up at me and for a split second his eyes showed worry but that was gone as soon as it appeared.

"HEY , DEKU ARE YOU THAT STUPID"I sighed and looked away heading into the school towards the nurses office ignoring the rest of the insult. Once I made up a excuse, which she believed 'wow' I was able to go home early sense I was injured. As I sat down on my bed I pondered why was this a normal day for me?

~Time Skip by a bloody Toga~

While I was waiting for the test results to come back I pondered what type of quirk I would have. Telekinesis? Strength? or would it be something useless.......Like me.......After a few minutes of pondering the results finally came back. My eyes immediately widened

'why? why me? why? why did I get a villains quirk? why me out of everyone?' as I was thinking Inko was in tears she looked at me and hugged me "I'm so sorry Izuku but you....can't" as soon as the last word left her mouth I immediately froze 'why would she say that? she said she believed in me?

WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WOULD SHE SAY THAT' that's when I broke down. The only person who believed in me in the slightest just gave up on me.

~Time Skip( A few years later of bulling and other stuff Izuku is on his last thread)~

A/N this is after Allmight saved Izuku

I just stood there stunned the last thread that held me together just broke by my one and only HERO 'why is life so cruel?' I just glared at Allmight as he left like he didn't just break someone that looked up to them for YEARS.

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