Chapter twelve

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I stepped towards him and grabbed onto his collar, Lifting him up I stared him in the eye and I Let my eyes glow a dangerous green that held no emotion. He looked as if he was going to cry but he still tried being strong, because he threw a punch at me. Which I easily blocked and twisted his arm, while hearing a very sickly yet satisfying cracking sound of his wrist bones.

He started screaming in pain and begging for me to let go but I didn't let him go I mean why would you let someone go when you can slowly kill them and make them suffer as much as you please. After a few minutes of him begging and pleading I let go of his wrist and let him fall to the floor, which he curled into a ball and cradled is savorily broken wrist. I cleared my throat

"can I just end this useless little shit" Tomuro looked at me and sadly shook his head " sadly no but hey I would like to see him die to" as I was about to agree Misty came into the room with my file, which he handed to me

"are these the location?" He nodded

"I'll check up on you every few hours to make sure everything's going according to plan" I nodded my head in agreement 'at least I won't be fully alone and if I run Into trouble I have a escape plan' misty turned towards the cradling wrist man and the cowering man and cleared his throats to get there attention which he did.

"You to will actually be going with Deku now because we had to change a few of our plans" both of them looked scared shitless once they obtained this information, my grin widened showing off my pearly white vampire like teeth "oh, this is just a treat" they looked at me shaking, the bone hurt one spoke up "when do we leave?" I looked at him slightly looking down on both of them "Now" right as I said that Misty opened a portal which I walked through with my bag and let the other two follow behind with there stuff. Once we got to the other side I looked around and scoped for a good place to set up in the abandoned apartment complex.

When I came across the penthouse I set up camp and plugged in my laptop, I went over to my bag and got out sensors and explosives. I went back down stairs and stared placing them spraticly around all entrances, windows and rooms.

Once I finished I dragged the two useless thugs up the stairs into a room next to them penthouse and told them to not come out and if they need me or see anything or anyone come close to the building to alert me and go threw the door that connects the rooms. I got back into my room and sat down a me opened my computer, logging on I started tracking my target.

Once I found out that my target is heading back to her hotel I hacked into the hotels main security frame and put one of my many viruses in it which would allow me to sneak into the hotel and not get caught so this mission would be easy.

'I'll keep the thugs here to guard the place and to watch my back when I go In for the kill not that I need it but hey it's something for them to do and when I get back I can kill them and record it for tomuro to watch later' I smiled insanely at the thought but interrupted by one of the thugs barging in, I turned around with an insane look still plastered on my face

"we have spotted the target heading into the building alone" I let my hair create shadows on my face as my smile widened sinisterly. As I got up I spoke insanely "let the show began"

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