Chapter Eleven

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A/n - I'm back with a new Chapter! Finally sorry it took so long I've been working on other books and haven't had much inspiration for this book and the updates might be slower and varied.

Once school ended Bakugou and I went home and got ready for our date but just as we were about to leave it started pouring rain to our miss fortune we ended up staying home and watching movies. Half way into our second move I started falling asleep while leaning on Baku-Chan, he seemed to noticed and paused the movie.

"are you tired?" I tiredly nodded "okay lets's get you to bed" he picked me up and started walking to our room, he set me on the bed and snuggled next to me. We stayed like that for a few hours in till I got a message from Tomuro, I quietly unwrapped the sleeping bakugou's hands and slipped out of bed. Once I made it to the living room I called Tomuro and and got informed that I have to leave tomorrow, I sighed knowing that he won't be happy to here that we won't be having our date and that I'm leaving early.

I quickly made a note for bakugou so once he wakes he won't go to the police or worse start looking for me. I made my way out of his empty house and towards mine, unlocking my door and quietly walking in I made my way to my room that is now bare. I packed up my charger and phone and grabbed my bag walking out of my room I cautiously made my way towards the door but was stopped by a bright light turning on

"Izu? Is that you?" Inko questioned me 'Just great' I rolled my eyes sub consciously and turned around "Yeah it's me Inko, I was informed I have to leave earlier than I was supposed to" she nodded in understanding and wished me safe travels as I turned back around and made my way down the street towards the familiar Villain base. As I turned down dark alleys I saw a very familiar door, stepping in I was greeted by two new faces and Tomuro.

"I'm back Tomuro-kun" he turned around "oh good you are finally here"
My slight smile dropped and a blood vessel was close to burst

"what do you mean by 'finally?'" he looked back at me "I mean you were taking your damn time while I was stuck here with these two useless so called 'villains'" He spoke while pointing towards two thug looking males. I scoffed

"well that's not my fault you got two street thugs for some mission" he sighed knowing i had a point and started scratching at his neck that looked like it could bleed again

"well it's not my fault that everyone is one a important mission- while talking on that how long do you think you will be gone?" I looked away from the useless thugs and shrugged, as I was about to speak one of the two useless thugs spoke "who is this shrimp any way?- I mean he looks useless and unimportant" I straightened my posture and glared down at them (because I was taller than the two I already intimidated them) I put on a sickly sweet smile and let my eyes show insanity and blood lust

"well I may look different from what I'm actually capable of but If you want I could just show you what happens when someone disrespects me and acts like they are more capable" one backed up and they both looked scared shitless but the one tried holding his ground 'bad move' I walked towards him and the other guy walked back further and out of my hitting zone.

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