Meeting venus' mother

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Hello everyone author here, sorry for the long wait. I didn't think that I could keep writing, and I also had work, but enough of that I will quit rambling and get on with the story.

Andy's POV
It was time to get some sleep for the rebellion. As I was falling asleep I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be a normal one. Right when I fell asleep I see this woman standing in front of me, and
for some reason she reminded me of Venus. However it was more in the eyes then anything else though. But that aside she started to say something which would unnerved anyone who heard.  " My name is Ava, I am here because I want you to know something that is vital for protecting my daughter."  After a minute or two I finally get the courage to ask her " Who is your daughter?" Ava smiles and says, " My daughter is the girl your group had saved on this day." When she said this my eyes grew wide in surprise. " Ava what did you have to tell me about?" She lost her smile and said " He comes for her and will hurt her, she is the one to end his tyranny. She will save you all were I have failed, please Prophet she must be kept safe." After saying this she had started to fade, before she completely faded away she said, " Let my baby girl know that I love her so much and that I will always be with her. And remember keep her safe Andy." with that she was gone and I was awake. This is one day I never thought I'd see, this is the day where the great war will end for good. I must tell the other leaders as soon as possible it is vital that they know the situation at hand.

~~~~later that day in third person~~~~

Andy soon found the other leaders in the dinning hall with the rest of the rebels and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw them. He had gotten his breakfast and sat down in the seat at the head of the table. After eating some of his food he asked the rest of the leaders to meet him after breakfast. With all the leaders finale gathered, the prophet began to speak " I have had a rather interesting dream last night my brothers." the mystic otherwise known as Jinxx was the first to speak, "What was it about?" the others remain silent as they want to know what it was as well. So he began from the start. 

I think I will leave it here, sorry for the wait I've been a little busy lately but I hoped you liked the chapter! Oh and good night or morning to all who read this!

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