1: Taking in my identity

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Pondering on what to do with this crappy assignment thing, I started imaging what Mr. Tanner would do if I didn't complete it. He'd directly talk and spit at the same time in my face, attempting to lecture me with how important homework and studying can be. The sick sight of him even in my head gives me the tingling shivers down my spine. I guess that gave me the boost of motivation to not give up. Well to be honest, I'd do anything to not talk to him at all. I don't mind the guy, but it's like he's automated to spit at you while he talks for punishment and what gets me is that sometimes I think he knows he does it. Disgusting right? Then he starts to compare the subject that he teaches which is History to English; how it can benefit in me in ways I couldn't imagine. Hah. Wait until Miss Francis finds out.

After finishing the incredibly long essay, which was a thousand words if I might add on Modern History, my eyes felt like they were widening apart from staring at the pieces of paper for too long, not to mention my hand looked retarded. Then out of the blue I felt this sudden surge course through my veins as if someone tried to electric shock me with the end of a broken cable. The surge felt empowering, but it was strange. In a way, it felt like someone was pushing me but I shrugged it off. Oblivious to the odd situation, I felt it again.

I got to my own two feet and crept across the corridors and down the spiral steps. I could see the moon through the oddly-large squared window. So beautiful.  The blue light from the full crystal moon shone happily towards me. It's rare to see the blue light from the moon but I just don't know how to explain it; the pleasurable feeling it gives off along with the warmth outside. Being cut off of my trance, I noticed the moonlight centre-pointed on the drawers. Call me stupid, but I thought of looking through it since I hadn't had anything else better to do. 

Reluctantly shuffling paper with my tired hands, something new and neat caught my eye. When it first caught my attention I honestly thought it was from my school. They keep sending my mum letters informing her that I've "neglected" education just because of how much I already have in life. In reality, that is not true. I love education, but it's just the teachers that put me off. Back to the point, I picked up the envelop and it unravelled in my hands.

This was definetly not sent from school. I read the letter that was addressed to my mum concerning me: "Anastasia De'Caprio is the true royal blooded princess of the supernatural underworld and will be escorted on the 25th August 2012 to announce herself as a royal", blah blah blah.  This is obviously a cruel joke pulled on us.

In the outside world, some of our neighbours hated us because of how much wealth we possessed. When I mean "we", I mean me and my mum. I've never really had a relationship with a guy before and I don't think I want to start now. Every guy I've met has been a complete jerk so I'm good thanks. I never knew my father; my mother said that he died during battle in a war, apparently he was a part of an army of some sort. Reading further just made this letter sound even more insane. It mentions that not only a so-called prince, but a vampire one? Seriously that just made me laugh. Nice joke whoever wrote this, I wish I could have made this joke up for someone I hated.

The letter had already been opened before me preferably by my mum because no one else lives here. Imagine if all of this was true though? That's when I heard it; a tiny voice in the back of my mind. Usually I control what I say in my subconscious but this was different, I wasn't controlling it at all. This voice didn't even sound like my own voice but of another girls voice. I tried to focus on the voice since it wouldn't stop rattling my ears. Listening carefully, it sounded like an on-going chant, but then I suddenly jumped to the sound of a clear voice, "Hello Princess Anastasia."

 How can I be so oblivious to how stupid I can get?

 Some weird voodoo things were going on that it made me feel nervous and sick inside - enough soul searching. I shoved the letter back into the drawers and wondered - what if? Being a princess would be fun I guess with all the dresses and the tiaras, I would feel like a five year old again. But I can totally imagine my mum being a vampire queen, which wouldn't be any shock at all due to how harsh and stubborn she can be half the time.

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