7: The Untold

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Anastasia POV

I wonder what they both thought of me as I left without warning. I couldn’t process any of this and I didn’t know how to deal with it. I never thought I’d be put into an arranged marriage in a life time. If only if she’d told us later on that we’d be getting married then I wouldn’t have a problem with it. By then Vlad and I would have built a steady friendship to the least and then it would have been enough for me to handle. I’ve always hated being responsible for small things here and there like I’ve said but to be responsible for a whole kingdom? The idea of it made me sick to the stomach and nervous like hell. I guess the idea of an arranged marriage is common here since no one but me is freaking out over the whole matter. I feel even more vulnerable than I did before to absolutely everything.

Ana, you can work through this. Just take deep breaths and let your mind ease, whispered the voice in my head. I did as the voice said and it surprisingly worked. Listening to my own advice has really gotten the better of me.

I still felt out of place and uncomfortable in my own skin. I quickened up my pace into a quick jog that lead me into going down hallways that I didn’t even know that existed until I found my own bedroom door again, slammed it shut and slid down it in relief of being in my own space. There were guards and maids running about everywhere that made it hard for me to find somewhere quiet. The audacity was just too much for comfort. My mind suddenly jolted as I realized that I wanted to get out of the palace. Bringing out my back pack, I unzipped it and filled it with clothes and a few books along with snacks and changed into a new set of clothes to feel more comfortable. Glancing quickly at myself in the mirror, I noticed I had mascara running down my face. Nice job Ana. Grabbing a wipe, I cleaned my face and slung the back pack over my shoulder. Closing my eyes I took a few more deep breaths before I came across a problem. I’d look suspicious if I walked out of my own room in human clothes and with a back pack. They’d for sure know I’m leaving the palace without doubt.

Eyeing the white drawers, I had a sixth sense that I knew something in there would help me get out undetected. This was the same feeling that I had back in London when I found that stupid letter and I wish I hadn’t. Pulling the drawers open, I found a long thick rope that looked long enough to reach the palace grounds. Dragging it out of the drawers with all the strength that I had, I brought it over my shoulder and began tying it on the metal barrier having no apparent clue what I was doing. With the rope tied, I hoisted myself over the ledge and pulled the rope making sure it was tight enough before I wrapped the rope around me and started climbing down the rope slowly. I felt so terrified that I’d fall and break a bone or at least die from a stunt like this. With the vines, it was different because I was against the wall, but with the rope I was flying about all over the place and my only hope for safety was to stream down the rope in hopes that it wouldn’t break at the top.

The gravity gratefully guided me to safety as my fragile feet touched the ground. A smile grew on my face as I turned around and saw the peaceful forest that lay before me with fruit trees and quiet birds flapping from on branch to another. I always thought life meant that it was temporary and wouldn’t last forever but I was wrong. It does last forever on the condition that you turn into a vampire yourself. In all reality, I’m glad the vampires aren’t as bad as I thought they’d be. I wouldn’t even class them as vampires but magical creatures who live among us all. After staring into the distance for about a few minutes I dug my hand into my jackets pocket and pulled out the new mobile that was bought for me. I tapped the screen until I saw Chris’s  name on the screen with it ringing. He answered within a few beeps.  


“Hello Chris, its Ana.”

“Oh, I see you’ve got a new phone then?”

“Yeah but that’s beside the point. Can I meet you? It’s important.”

“In the hut? If so I’ll meet you in a about ten minutes.” 

"Yeah sure, thank you.”

The connection was cut off as I put my phone back in its place. I just didn’t know where to go and who to trust. The only other person who I felt connected too was him somehow – I just wanted answers and I hope I’d be able to get them from him. 

Chris POV

Getting that phone call from Ana startled me because I’d have to admit, she did scare me a little. As I manoeuvred down the road in the truck, I parked it on the far end and started running into the forest until I made it into the hut. She’s been on my mind lately more than I would have expected. There’s something about the two of us that doesn’t make sense and it just doesn’t seem to add up.

Running my rough hands through my hair, I spotted Ana running up towards the hut and she opened the door and slammed it back, with her turning towards me. Ever since I found out that my mum was giving me those herbs, I refused to eat anything that she’d give me and it’s enabled me to use my enhanced abilities that I never knew I had until now. I could smell Ana from a mile away and her scent grew stronger when she made her way up to the hut. I couldn’t just smell her scent though, I could smell her blood that ran through her very veins but it seemed different in a way I’ve never imagined. Her blood smelt mixed and infused with almost everything that made my head feel fuzzy.

Ana sat down on the chair inside the hut next to me and she looked almost miserable and worried at the same time but then her mouth opened as she said, “My mums making me having an arranged marriage with Vlad.”

I felt sorry for the girl who seemed like she was getting married to a stranger as I replied, “Marriage? Who’s Vlad?” I exclaimed.

She began rubbing her hands together for warmth as she began, “He’s the vampire prince of this realm whom my mum chose to marry me. I like him though, like really like him but the idea of marriage is just-”

 “Is that why you asked me to come and meet you?”

“I’m scared Chris. I know I don’t know you that well but I felt that you and me had some sort of bond and I couldn’t deny that. I just want someone to listen to me.”

“Okay, carry on then.”

“The only reason for this arranged marriage is for Vlad and me to take over the kingdom. I’m just disappointed in my mum for not having faith in me. Having an arranged marriage feels like I’m being sold off to some guy, no offence to Vlad in all.”

“And what can I do to help you?”

 “You could help me get out of this place.” 

"You can't do that!” He cried, and then lowered his voice, “I can’t do that either.”

“Why can’t you? If we both leave we’ll both be able to discover the links and connections between us and maybe a loop hole to the whole situation.”

“I can’t help you because you are the princess of this realm and if you go missing then your mother who is by the way Queen will send out thousands of guards just to go looking for you. Who knows, she might already have done that. Then all the pressure would have been on me to make sure not only you but I wouldn’t get caught in the whole process of it all.” 

“I just need some time to think, somewhere to go to get my mind out of the mess it’s in. Please,” she pleaded.

“OK, fine, I’ll help you. But if something goes wrong, it’s all on you sister.”

“Trust me Chris, I only just need a while and it won’t be long,” she said, and in that moment her face conjured up a smile where she then pulled me into a hug and whispered in my shoulder, “thank you. Thank you!”

“This is only for a while though and it it’s any longer then I’m dragging you back.”

I’m probably making the worst decision of my life right now saying ‘yes’ to Ana when I know that everything could go wrong with this. I don’t even know what the deal is. She likes the guy so what’s the harm in marrying him? But I couldn’t say no to her when she was right next to me pleading for help. I guess being young doesn’t help the situation with the arranged marriage thing going on. I can already see the news on the television and the headlines in newspapers: “Anastasia, Princess of the Realm and a mysterious guy flee from the dimension.” Let’s hope this doesn’t get to out of hand.

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