2: What's made up of my human life

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I made my way through the front door, and when I say front door I really mean the huge massive double doors that my house had. Yeah as you can guess I live in a pretty huge house, well that's an understatement - I guess you could call it a mansion. Everyday I'm always greeted by a driver who takes me to school and back since I wasn't allowed my own car. My mum just didn't trust me enough with one. The limo pulled up in front of me in the front garden but I just stood there zoned out without really noticing that someone got out was talking to me.

 "Sorry what did you say; I haven't had a best start today. Mind saying what you said all over again?"

 The driver Alex grinned to my confession making me feel really stupid, and then he began to talk again. "It's fine Ana, and as I was saying, it's going to be sad to see you go. I'll probably be reassigned to be someone else’s driver. I will miss you dearly though."

 "I'm going to miss you too Alex, you have been so kind to me and you've not only been a driver but you've been a good friend to me." Alex isn't just a man who drives me places, like I said; he's been a friend to me throughout the time we've known each other. It would be so easy to talk to him about things that I really couldn't talk to my mum about since she's always occupied with who knows what. I love Alex like a brother and he'll always stay in my heart. For my birthday he gave me a silver necklace with a red heart pendant. The way I reacted was so embarrassing; I cried like a two year old.

After having a quick conversation with him, he gestured me into the vehicle. The limo drove out of the premises through the huge metal iron gates that was connected to a tanned brick wall that surrounded my home. The thought of not seeing these streets again is a strange thought. I never thought I'd even move. I thought I'd grow up, maybe have a home of my own, run my own business and maybe live somewhere small rather that living in a mansion, fall in love and start a family. I honestly thought I would have my life here but now that's all going to change. I won't be able to live like a normal person or even think like a normal person again. I'll be surrounded by foreign things and foreign people and I bet you I wouldn't even be able to understand anyone because they'd probably talk in Italian. The scariest part of all is that I'd become a vampire too. What does that even mean? Do I just get bitten or something and then I'd be able to drink human blood and bounce off from one place to the other? I seriously wish I had someone who could answer all my questions without hesitating to answer them. I went so deep into my own thoughts that I didn't even realise that the vehicle was parked in front of my school.

I gracefully stepped out of the limo to be greeted by one of my dearest friends Chantelle. She's a friend you know you can count on when you need her and I have trusted her with everything that I've told her in the past. I think I'm going to do it; I'm going to tell her when the time is right. I can't just not tell her because she needs to know. If I just disappeared off the face of the earth without saying goodbye, it would break her heart. I've known her my entire life and she deserves to know this, even though this barely makes sense to me, I just need to tell her.

 "Hello Ana," she said excitedly as she ran up to me and embraced me in a tight hug.

 "Chantelle, I-can't-breathe!" 

 "Oh, ha, I'm so sorry, I just missed you, that's all. Now a days it feels like I have no one to talk too if you know what I mean."

'Well get used to missing me', my mind began to drift off as I kept repeating that in my mind. This was happening way to fast. Someone needs to pinch me so I can tell the difference between a dream and reality. "Chantelle, I know this might seem as a weird favour, but could you pinch me?"

 "Um, okay sure."

 "OW, that hurt," it really did hurt, and I guess I wasn't really dreaming at all.

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