3 <> The Reeling

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C h a p t e r T h r e e
2 n d P O V
9 - 1 3 - 1 8
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"How I loathe all this obscenity," – The Reeling by Passion Pit
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A/N: Sorta sorry about this chapter. It kinda goes in a couple different directions. :P Anyway, I'm debating on opening up a one-shot book in the near future. Thoughts?
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   Weeks had passed. Life was . . . actually going pretty good for you!

   You'd managed to get a substantial amount of energon for yourself. You could easily sneak into Decepticon mines, disguised as one of them, collect fuel, and leave unnoticed. You'd created new daily routines and schedules that you did your best to follow without complication.

   It went like this:

   A G E N D A

   • wake up (one of the few constants)

   • consume morning rations

   • patrol forest for intruders (and to explore and investigate all the intriguing life!)

   • return to cave (yes, you live in a cave, it's a very comfy cave, mind you)

   • patrol skies/stretch wings

   • research more about humans

   • take mid-day rations

   • continue research on humans

   • patrol forest (again)

• return home (again)

   • patrol skies (again)

   • return to cave, consume evening rations

   • recharge

   It was a pretty good agenda! You had a different one when the time rolled around for you to invade another mine for energon, obviously. Otherwise, it would be an immensely agitating and reoccurring interruption in the order of things.

   While you were pretending to be a trooper, you also tended to pick the gossip that traveled around. Word had it that Optimus Prime and Megatron had a temporary alliance to defeat Unicron. After that, Prime lost his memory and reverted back to his dork librarian days, where he was known as Orion Pax. Then, it went to scrap and Pax turned to Prime again and returned to the Autobots.

   Another interesting piece of gossip had reached your audio receptors as well: Starscream had ditched the Decepticons after Airachnid betrayed him. You hoped he got what he deserved.

   You assumed it to be a fact, a higher-up had also included some of those details in his mini-rant to one of the supervising vehicons. Other similar and reoccurring details seemed to suggest facts. The views of the miners were rather unbiased, considering they were designed to not have free will. No free will, no making choices, no taking sides, no opinions.

   It helped you keep an open mind, an unbiased mind. You'd, of course, morale-d your way out of the Decepticons, but you tried no to let their abuse hinder your judgement. You were neutral. You would reject both factions unless someone gave you a reason not to.

   You finished your cube of morning energon, as per usual, and stood up to stretch out your tired limbs. Now, as you checked your itinerary, you found it was time to go patrolling, as well as visit your woodland creature friends! You figured it wouldn't hurt to take off your mask to visit them. You did so, and stored it in your subspace. Then, you left.

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