9 <> Five Hours

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C h a p t e r N i n e
2 n d P O V
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   "It's not illegal if you don't get caught," –Me, because this song has no lyrics
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A/N: Oof, I just got an idea for a TFP Megatron x Reader goddamnit. This chapter doesn't do much. It's a lot more of a filler than anything. Also, I probably would've been updated sooner if I wasn't so thirsty for Gaster. Speaking of which, how's everyone liking Deltarune?

You'd decided to make yourself useful for the Bots after Miko abandoned you for Wheeljack. The last thing you wanted was to be a burden. Ratchet gave you the job to clean some of his medical tools. You did so, humming a tune no one would hear unless they got close enough. The doctor worked away at his computer while periodically checking on Bulkhead.

"Uuuuugh . . ." You and Ratchet paused and looked over at the stirring Wrecker.

"What are you looking at? Come on!" Ratchet grabbed your arm and pulled you along to Bulkhead's berth-side. He seemed to be taking up the opportunity of an extra pair of servos, as well as two extra pairs of optics. You were more than happy to oblige, and help ensure the health of a friend.

   "W-w-wha? What? Where-?" The green mech mumbled out. Ratchet handed you a light and swiftly explained what to do with it, and then went to check on Bulkhead's vitals. Bulkhead's optics slowly flickered open as he talked. They adjusted to the light you placed before him.

   "That's it, just follow the light, Bulk," you whispered to him warmly.

    "Wait, what?!" His optics snapped open and Bulkhead shot upwards. You couldn't help but giggle at his frantic reaction.

   "Ep ep ep ep! Get back on the berth!" Ratchet scolded him. He shoved Bulkhead by the chassis back onto the medical berth. You handed the light over. Ratchet deposited it in his subspace before bringing you over to the patient's legs.

   "Y/N?" Your friend said in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

   "Bulkhead!" Miko yelled, charging her way back to her guardian.

   "Bulk, you're awake! Ha!" Wheeljack cheered. He walked over, right behind Miko.

   "Well," You began explaining, "Optimus called me and told me what had happened to you. I came to see the extent of your injuries, and help around while you were unable." The elderly medic showed you a scan of Bulkhead's injuries. Ratchet gave you a couple tools to fix up the tiniest injuries while he ran some tests.

  "Oh . . . Th-thanks, I-I guess." You beamed, and became whisked away in your assigned task. Bulkhead did his best not to stare while talking to his  friends (who insisted on crowding around him) at your peculiar faceplates. You were certainly a unique kind of friend to him, but a friend nonetheless.

   Bulkhead smiled at you. You smiled right back, and kept working diligently.


Bulkhead groaned in pain and fatigue as he lay on the ground, face and stomach flat against the dusty floor. His servos were splayed out beside his body and helm.

"Three steps, Bulkhead?!" Miko scoffed. "That's all you can manage?!" Her hands were on her hips as she was determined to help her friend her own oddly aggressive way.

The Wrecker groaned again, and lifted his helm from the ground. "Sorry, Miko. My legs still hurt." He groaned some more as he pushed himself onto his pedes again. He wobbled somewhat, but you were at his his side in seconds to help. He took your arm and stabilized himself.

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