4 <> Speed Of Sound

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C h a p t e r  F o u r
2 n d  P O V
9 - 2 2 - 1 8
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   "When you see it, then you'll understand," – Speed Of Sound by Coldplay
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   You'd helped Bulkhead rid the hall of Starscream's corpse by directing him to a room off to the side. It would take much longer for anyone to notice it there than in the corridor, that was for sure.

   "A comm unit!" Bulkhead announced in pleasant surprise. You looked up from the body to peek at what he was seeing in the hall.

   "It would appear so," You replied monotonously. The mech briskly walked over and attempted to contact his friends.

   "Bulkhead to base, do you read? Do you copy?" You could clearly hear what you were sure was desperation, frustration, and hopefulness. An interesting combination of emotions. "Ugh, is this thing even on?!" You suddenly realized that, as an Autobot in a Decepticon ship, he may not entirely know what he was doing. You mentally cursed at yourself for not offering to try for him.

   "Maybe I should try," you suggested, placing a servo gently on his forearm, "after all, I am more familiar with the tech." The ex-Wrecker paused.

   "Yeah, you're right. I'm such an-" he was cut off by the sound of blaring alarms, "-idiot." You jumped into the air from the abrupt noise. Bulkhead covered up his audio receptors with his large servos, while shoved yourself against his side. You pressed a button on the console, and the alarms stopped.

   "Go go go!" You urged the larger bot. He turned around and ran into the hall directly behind the console, and you followed after. The guards that came seconds later were met with a very different, uninvited guest.

   "Why are you helping me anyways?" The Autobot whispered. His back was pressed against the wall as he peered into the doorway to make sure the guards didn't come after either of you. You were on the opposite side of the doorway, doing the exact same thing.

   "Because I want to," you whispered back. "Besides, I don't have allegiance to either side, so trust me when I say I'm not about to turn you into any of the 'Cons."

   "You're a vehicon aren't you? Never met one as talkative as you. Aren't you made to obey them?" The two of you met each other's gazes. You both nodded, signaling that the coast was clear, and the two of you scurried the Pits out of there.

   "I kind of gained autonomy a couple of weeks ago; it was during a mine collapse at the one I was protecting. I realized I—as a living being with a conscious—deserved to be treated better. So I left," You answered informatively. Bulkhead let out an 'huh' in both surprise and understanding.

   "Do you have a name?" He asked. You listed off your serial code, which earned a quizzical look from the Autobot.


   "That's . . . not a name," Bulk responded. He sounded unsure. You were, however, sure that it was simply a result of his natural awkwardness. You hoped you didn't make him feel to uncomfortable in a place he already knew he was in danger of being discovered in.

   "Oh." That was your slightly delayed reply. You felt a little embarrassed too, honestly. You still had so much to learn. "Thats what I was given when I was made, so . . . maybe you could give me one?"

   The mech stumbled in his tracks. He was already having such a hard time being stealthy with his giant build. You stretched out a servo to help steady him. Bulkhead wasn't the most perceptive bot out there, but he did notice you did your best to care for the little things. Interesting. Maybe you were worthy of his trust? Friendship, even?

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