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The SOA didn't know what to think as they all waited in the overcrowded waiting room of St. Thomas Hospital. They hoped their VP would be released soon. They were all a little on edge when the news of Ellie Teller's sudden appearance made it's way through the clubhouse. Shit, she'd be a teenager now. Imagine: Jax Teller raising a teenager? Chibs, Tig, Opie, Happy, Bobby, Juice, & Half-Sac laughed at the idea of Jax dealing with a miniature version of himself. Gemma sat next to Clay with a scowl on her face as she was denied entry to her son's room. It should be her in there and not that junkie, Wendy.

Jax knew he was in a hospital the moment he opened his eyes. His pregnant wife, Wendy, held his hand with a small smile, "How are you feeling, Jax?"

"Fine," His eyes connected with the IV in his hand, "I have to get out of here. They found Ellie. Ellie's alive."

Wendy squeezed his hand at the urgency and panic in his voice, "Jax, you're severly dehydrated. They're not gonna let you out of here for a few hours. Gemma called the police department in Washington and they said they'd call back when they knew more. Ellie's safe."

Wendy never met Jax's daughter having come into the picture long after the little girl went missing. Jax rarely spoke about her, but when he did, Wendy could tell just how much he loved her. So, when Wendy found out she was expecting, she thought it would bring some type of comfort in his life... but, in reality, it was exactly the opposite. He distanced himself from her even more and showed little interest in her pregnancy. She didn't pry too much, she knew how much it hurt him. Maybe he felt guilty? Maybe he felt like loving another child would replace his long lost daughter?

"Everyone's out in the waiting room," Wendy removed her hand and placed it on her growing stomach, "Your mom's driving everyone crazy."

"God," Jax sighed as he ran a hand over his face, "How- How do I even begin to tell Tara?"

Jax knew that Tara was finishing up school and would be licensed and working in a hospital soon. He only kept in touch with her on Ellie's birthday when they had their yearly call. They always broke down when they shared memories of their daughter and what she would be like today. He never expected the day to finally come... the day when he learned his daughter was alive.

"Hey baby," Gemma snuck her way into her son's room with Clay following behind her with a helpless look on his face, "You feeling okay?"

"Mom," Jax broke out of his thought, "Yeah... fine. Do you have my phone?"

"Opie's got it. Why?" Gemma didn't think now would be a good time for Jax to be calling up Tara.

"Mom," Jax warned, "Please."

"I'll go get it, babe." Gemma left the room with Wendy following behind her while Clay took Wendy's seat.

"What a crazy day," Clay looked around the room, "The club's here if you need anything. I'm happy for you, son. It might not be easy, but we'll get her home. She's coming home."

Jax sat in silence as he took in Clay's promise. The club had their VP's back, no matter what. He knew that and he was thankful for his family. Gemma rushed back in with his phone and handed it off, "Need anything?"

"No. I'm fine." Jax's voice was low.

"C'mon," Clay stood up and placed a hand on his wife's shoulder, "Let the boy rest, huh, Gem? We'll get everyone back to the clubhouse and he can call us when he gets released."

Gemma was reluctant to leave her son, but she eventually did and dropped Wendy off at home. Jax sat alone in his room while he dialed Tara's number and waited for her to pick up. He wasn't exactly sure if he even wanted her to pick up.

~ SOA ~ SOA ~

Tara was suprised when she saw "Jax" flash across her phone screen. She hadn't heard from him in months. She thought of letting it go to voicemail, but she kind of wanted the distraction right now. She closed her textbook and answered, "Hello?"

"Tara," Jax's voice was barely a whisper as it cracked, "Baby, they found her."

Tara shook her head in disbelief, this phone call was totally unexpected, "They- Found what? They found what, Jax?"

"She's in Washington, Tara. Ellie's in Washington," Jax's voice cracked and she knew he was crying, "I-"

Tara cut him off with the sob that went through her body. All of the studying she had been doing was gone as a memory of her daughter flashed through her mind. She felt the familiar lump in her throat and her chest tightened as she silently thanked God. She didn't bother wiping her tears away as landed on the pages of her textbook.

"When are we leaving?" She whispered out.

Jax felt a warmth in his chest as Tara mentioned going to Washington with him with zero doubt in her voice. The fact that they would be together to go get their daughter sounded like a dream he often had.

"The police- um, they'll call us with more info soon. All I know is that she's in Washington and she's safe."

Tara clutched her cell phone in her hand and ran a hand over her red face as she sucked back tears, "Okay. Okay. Ellie's okay? That's good. God, Jax."

"I know, Tara. I couldn't believe it either. I had a full blown panic attack and ended up at St. Thomas," Jax laughed at how pathetic that statement sounded.

"Take care of yourself, Jackson. Ellie's gonna need both of her parents. I'll figure everything out here. I'm coming back to Charming," Tara was determined as ever to get back home.

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