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Up at the cabin, Unser oversees Piney's body being taken to the crematorium for a private "after hours" disposal.

~ SOA ~ ~ SOA ~

Ellie's with her mom at the hospital again. Tara's laying down, falling in and out of sleep, when Ellie notices Grandpa Clay coming into the room. By the way he's slowly entering the room, and the look on his face, she slumps down in her chair and pretends to sleep.

Tara gasps as she wakes up, seeing Clay lurking next to her bed, she glances at a sleeping Ellie sitting beside the bed.

"You and Jax got yourself a plan. Put all this violence behind. It's a smart move. I'd hate to see something get in the way of that."


"You know, I could make sure this plan happens. Push the doors wide open. See that nobody gets in your way. Even Gemma? I'll stop her. She won't run at you."

"Yeah, I saw how you slowed her down."

"There's only one thing that could get in the way of that escape dream. Those letters. How do you know about them? Gemma? She thought you were gonna show them to Jax. Create a shit storm. But you're a smart girl, Tara. You know what happens if Jax reads those letters. It's the reason why he doesn't have them already. Complicates your departure. You need to give me the letters, Tara."

"If you're so sure I'm not gonna give them to Jax why do you need them?"

"Peace of mind. I wanna be able to sleep at night. You can understand that. You give me the letters, I destroy them, you and Jax leave with the kids- everybody's happy and safe."

"And if I don't give them to you?"

Clay glances at Ellie before leaning closer to Tara's face, threatening her, "I'm not sure you and Jax ever make it out of Charming."

~ SOA ~ ~ SOA ~

"What are you doing here?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

"I don't want any trouble, Jax. I went to see Tara first out of respect for everything that she's done for Abel."

"You have no idea what she has done for Abel. What we've been through."

"No. I don't."

"You have no right to come back now, Wendy. Abel doesn't even know who you are. Telling him, it just confuses shit."

"It's not my fault that you didn't tell him the truth, Jax."

"What was I supposed to tell him? That his mom was a meth addict that bailed on him?"

"Well, yeah. It's the truth. He should know it. Secrets ruin kids, Jax."

"Stay away. Okay? From Tara. From my kid."

"Or what? What, are you going to break my arm, punch my face in?"

"I had nothing to do with that."

"Oh, really? Nothing? You are a felon on release. And as frightening as this notion may be I'm probably the most stable adult in Abel's life. Block me out, and I will pursue custody."

𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 - 𝙎𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝘼𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙝𝙮Where stories live. Discover now