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Jax, Tara, and the Teller children pull up into the original and rebuilt clubhouse lot. The Teller-Morrow Automotive sign was long gone, the mechanics side of the club was simply renamed, SAMCRO Repairs. Jax liked the look. It fit the freshly painted clubhouse and didn't stand out like the old rusty sign did with it's faded letters.

The sound of motorcycles made Jax grin as he got out of the car and saw the club members pull up. The clubhouse doors flew open and Chibs, the President, hurried outside with his arms open for a big hug, "Jackie boy! You made it!"

Tara and the kids trailed behind and greeted the club. Ellie was now 20 years old, a young adult, and college student with a license. Abel was 8 years old and loved elementary school while Thomas was 5 and in kindergarten. Tara's hand healed completely and she was a full time pediatric surgeon at the hospital in Oregon. Jax was a mechanic at a shop near the house, but also worked on bikes here and there and got into construction. He kept himself busy with that and also restoring two bikes for Abel and Thomas little by little. He wanted to suprise them and have them completed by Abel's 16th birthday.

"It's been too long, man," Happy hugged Jax after Tig and smiled at the two boys who seemed to grow an inch everytime he saw them.

"Yeah, man. Time flies." Jax stepped back at nodded at the Prez and VP, "Place looks good."

"Finally finished few weeks ago." Tig said.

"Let's all go inside," Chibs ushered everyone into the clubhouse.

It was completely rebuilt inside with a memorial wall to honor the first nine and their fallen brothers. Old photos of John Teller, Piney and Opie tugged on Jax's heart strings. Jax's mugshot still hung up on the wall.

Everyone grabbed a chair and sat down. This was the second time Jax and Ellie had visited this year. He tried to visit every few months, or atleast once a year, and it was usually Ellie who came with him. When it was just them two, Jax rode his bike all the way here. He missed the feeling of riding with his brothers and his hair blowing in the wind. Sometimes, Chibs and the guys would suprise him and ride to his house. Then, they'd all take a long ride together. Jax riding right next to the SOA President, of course.

"How are things?" Happy sipped on a beer while Tara chatted up with some of the women around the clubhouse.

"Good. Not much has changed. Tara's working. I'm working. Ellie's off at school."

Chibs shook his head in disbelief, "Can't believe ya little girl is 20 now."

"I can't wait for her 21st," Tig joked, "Take that girl out and show her how to drink."

"Hell fucking no." Jax smirked. "I already have really bad anxiety just knowing she'll be moving out soon."

"The boys?" Happy asked.

"Happier than I've ever seen them. Enjoying their childhood, acting like kids, something Ellie never had." Jax sipped on a beer, "What's new with the club?"

"Not much, honestly. Keeping our nose out of real dangerous shit." Tig says.

"Still got a brotherhood with the Mayans." Happy says.

"Shit's real crazy with the Mayans. Got mixed in with mexican cartel." Chibs shakes his head, "Keepin' SOA out of it."

"That's good." Jax nods, "We know how shit ends with the cartel."

"Bloody." Happy and Tig mutter at the same time.

"Alvarez handed in his cut." Chibs reveals.

"What?" Jax is shocked, "Why?"

"Shit with the Galindo cartel and family drama with the president and prospect." Tig informs him, "New group fucking shit up all down in Southern Cali. We've been staying away from the borders. Call themselves the rebels."

"Pfft," Jax shakes his head, "Why the fuck would I ever head down to Southern Cali anymore?"

They all share a laugh.

"Venus is stopping by later. Wanted to see you guys before you take off." Tig reminds him.

"Stuff serious between you two?" Jax raises his eyebrows while Happy laughs and punches Tig on the shoulder.

"Nah," Tig shakes his head, "You know how it is..."

"They came here for a barbeque, boys," Chibs slaps his hands together and makes the prospects jump to their feet, "Teller blood in the house. Time to celebrate!"

"Hey," Happy calls after Jax, supressing a laugh, "Went to see Alvarez and saw a familiar face. You'll never guess."


"Chucky," Happy laughs, "Still fingerless. Weirder and creepier than ever."

Jax laughs and helps Tara out with the boys as they run around and head outside to the swingset. Ellie comes outside and grins when Lyla's car pulls up into the lot and she honks in greeting. Ellie W. and Kenny hop out of the car and Jax smiles as he greets Donna and Opie's teenage children.

He looks around at everyone outside, chatting, laughing, smiling, and hanging out. He did miss this, the family part of it all. It was weird standing in the lot with the guys again. They were missing so many people and he kept staring at the clubhouse expecting Opie to walk out and his mother to come out of her office. But, he knew those days were long gone. He had put it all behind him more than 3 years ago now. Knowing that his family was safe made him feel better. He felt like more of a father and husband being away from the club. That's something he would never take for granted anymore.

"Hey," Tara comes up to Jax and greets him with a kiss, "Everything okay?"

"Everything's perfect." Jax wraps his arms around his wife and holds her close.

"Wendy called," Tara tells him, "She's heading down with Nero."

"Just Nero," Tara confirms as Jax gives her a look.

"Alright. Abel will be happy to see her." They watch their two sons swinging next to each other with huge grins on their faces.

"She's doing good, Jax. Keeping her head on straight and working," Tara reminds him, "Almost three years sober. Seeing Abel is good for her... and him."

Jax watches Ellie and Opie's kids chatting together at a table and puts a hand on Tara's shoulder, "Guess we should see if they need some help grilling."

"I'll help Lyla. The kids will be fine."

And so will we, Jax thought.



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The end!

𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 - 𝙎𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝘼𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙝𝙮Where stories live. Discover now