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"Look, this guy's been through enough," Jax tells David Hale over the phone as he leans against his truck and fills the tank with gas. Tara's sound asleep in the backseat as they're stopped at yet another gas station.

"Yeah." Hale agrees, still not believing Opie's wife was dead and the suspicions he had no choice, but to confide in with Jackson.

"So whoever is responsible for killing Donna you and me can't prove it. The suspicions we have don't help Ope."
Jax doesn't want to believe Clay was behind her murder, for God's sake she's freshly buried in the ground now and he wasn't even at the funeral.

"If he asks me, I'm not gonna lie to him just because I can't prove it was Clay."

"Run it through, man. What does it get anybody? Turns Opie inside out. He loses the only family he's got left. Puts Clay on the attack. He shits in Unser's ear, it's gonna blow back on you," Jax wants to keep the shirt storm that's bound to happen calm while he's out of town.

"All right. I'll protect Ope." David sighs, "I'll keep my suspicions to myself. You've gotta do something for me. Unser is in bad shape. This guy should not be on the job. He's got another two months on his extension. After that, you gotta let him step down."

"I'll do what I can to make that happen." Jax simply replies and flips his phone shut, ending their conversation.

Once the tank is full, he gets back in the car as Tara wakes up and climbs back into the front seat.

"What time is it?" She yawns.

"Getting late." Jax rubs his hands over his face, "Where do you wanna stay?"

"As close to the hospital as we can get." Tara takes a look at the directions she printed out in case their GPS failed, "Lowen said there's a hotel three blocks from the emergency room."

Jax starts the car and continues following the GPS. Once they made it to the hospital, they'd drive around until they found the hotel. They would spend the rest of the night and early morning at the hotel and head over to the hospital in the afternoon to pick up Ellie.

~ SOA ~ ~ SOA ~

Gemma's out and about carrying Abel in his car seat when she sees Wayne Unser sitting on a bench all by himself. She decides to check on him and see if he was okay.


"Gemma." He's suprised to see her, "The little guy doing okay?"

"Yeah. Gotta beef him up a little. How about you?"

"Right as rain is. This is just a follow-up."

"Where you at with it?" She asks.

"The BCGs are keeping it contained in my bladder."

"Guess that's good."


"Waiting on Della? She ain't a fan of hospitals."

"Hale's picking me up."

"We'll wait with you." She says as she sits down beside him and smiles as Abel coos.

"I'm glad he's doing good. I think Jax is gonna make a real good daddy to both those kids."

"Yeah. I'll make sure of that."

𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 - 𝙎𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝘼𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙝𝙮Where stories live. Discover now