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In the church in Belfast, Father Ashby blesses Cameron. Cameron sits in a pew, another IRA soldier strangles him to death. The job finished, the priest instructs the assassin: "mark him," and drop the body in the Short Strand section of Belfast. He wants everyone to know Cameron Hayes came home. Jax joins his brothers in the SAMCRO chapel. Juice shows him the intel from Serg- a photo of Cameron, Ellie and Abel taken three days ago at a train station. Juice says he bought a one way ticket to Vancouver. Clay reassures Jax that they will find Cameron, and bring the kids home.

~ SOA ~ ~ SOA ~

Father Ashby tells his sister Maureen that Cameron is dead. He says he is taking Abel to "a good Catholic family." But, first, they need to get him and his sister seperated. He knows they won't be able to do it quietly. She's taken care of him, held him, and refused to let anyone else touch her little brother. They need to figure it all out fast before their location is found out.

~ SOA ~ ~ SOA ~

Back at the clubhouse, Juice shows the guys an email he got from the Belfast charter's Vice President: it's a photo of a dead Cameron Hayes. Now that Jax knows Cameron was in Belfast, everyone wonders: Where's Ellie and Abel?

~ SOA ~ ~ SOA ~

Maureen Ashby calls Gemma and tells her about her granddaughter and grandson being in Belfast. The stress becomes so overwhelming that Gemma collapses, from a heart attack, in front of the clubhouse just as the club drives up.

~ SOA ~ ~ SOA ~

Jax calls Maureen's store in Belfast, but she isn't there. He leaves an urgent message with her daughter Trinity. She hangs up the phone and decides to eavesdrop on her mother for more information before calling him back.

~ SOA ~ ~ SOA ~

Ellie's face aches, her stomach has painful hunger pains, and her bones are sore from exhaustion and lack of sleep. A gag is tied around her mouth, she feels her hands tied, and a woman steps forward with a bowl of water. She dips a washcloth in the water and wipes the dried blood and sweat away from Ellie's face. Ellie turns her aching head as best as she can, her eyes scanning her location in every direction, but her vision is blurry and dark. She remembers. She remembers another man holding her back while a priest took Abel away from her. She remembers fighting, kicking, screaming, thrashing around and trying to get her brother back. They held her and drugged her with something. She has no idea where she is, or where they took her little brother. She sobs.

They took Abel.

Where's her little brother?

~ SOA ~ ~ SOA ~

The next time Ellie wakes back up, she's disoriented and confused. She doesn't know how long they knocked her out for or even where she is. Everything hurts, she hungry, she's tired, her throat is dry, and she constantly feels like she's on the verge of a panic attack. All she knows is that she's somewhere new. She's laying in a bed, a white room that sort of resembles a hospital, an IV in her arm and a blanket laying over her.

When she realizes she's not tied up, she rips the IV from her arm and stands up. Her weak body immediately betrays her as she drops to the ground. She's crying again as a woman dressed in pediatric scrubs enters the room. She speaks to Ellie in Spanish, helping her off the floor, and lays her back in the bed. Ellie just cries, not understanding anything the woman was saying. In her distraught state, she notices the door clicking as it closes, locking her in the room from the outside.

~ SOA ~ ~ SOA ~

Jax asks Gemma to call Maureen and let her know Samcro is on their way. He also wants her to try and get info on his children's whereabouts.

In the chapel, the guys finalize their plans for the trip to Belfast.

~ SOA ~ ~ SOA ~

Days later, at St. Matthew's Church, Jax talks with Father Ashby. The priest says he knows where Ellie and Abel are. The priest promises Jax that if he kills Jimmy, he'll "make sure Abel goes home in the arms of his loving family." Meanwhile, at the black market orphanage, a young American couple holds baby Abel in their arms. Jax questions about Ellie and the priest ponders if he should reunite the father with his eldest child.

a/n: i decided to summarize most of s3 like this... otherwise, there would be way too many chapters and i really don't like all the belfast episodes. they're not as entertaining to me, but i'll write enough to bring ellie and abel's stories together. also, keep in mind that days have passed in between all of these events.

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