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At the hospital, Tara meets with lawyer Ally Lowen who asks if they have plans for custody of the boys if something were to happen to them. They don't.

"Do you have something in place for them? The kids. In case anything were to happen to you or Jax. Do you have a living trust or will of any kind?"

"I don't know. The marriage thing happened kind of fast. I know Jax has life insurance."

"That's good, but who gets custody?" The lawyer asks, "Gemma?"

"No. I don't know."

"I can help you with that."

Lowen sits in with Tara for her deposition. Tara admits her connection to Jax and the club and Otto, but says she didn't know she'd have access to him. She says she didn't know she wasn't allowed to bring Otto anything. Lowen says she brought "a desperate man something to pray with." Tara asserts that she had no idea what Otto was capable of.

~ SOA ~ ~ SOA ~

After her meetup with the lawyer, Tara calls Wendy to meet up with her at the hospital. She stands by the daycare, watching the kids, Ellie plays with Abel.

"Before I get into this, I want you to know that everything's okay." Tara starts as Wendy arrives.


"Abel was in a car accident last week."

"Oh my God."

"There were no sustained injuries. He had a minor procedure to correct his heartbeat, but he's fine."

"Jesus Christ. Were you the one driving?"

"No. Gemma. She was stoned. She crashed into a tree."

"Holy shit."

"She's been on a tear. We both know that. I'm not letting her near the boys again."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I thought about the last conversation we had, and, uh well, I know it won't come easy to Jax, but as a mother, I get it."

"What does that mean exactly?"

"I might have to leave Charming."

"Why, another job?"

"Yeah, I hope so. There's an offer on the table from Providence Hospital."

"Oregon? Jax okay with that?"

"We're still figuring it out. But I've been dealing with the paperwork around all of that, and I- I just realized, that if anything ever happens to me or, uh, to Jax, there's nobody I trust to take care of my boys... or Ellie. I have no family."

"You do need that peace of mind."

"Yeah, I do. Abel's in day care. You can spend some time with him if you want. He's a lot of fun."

"I would really like that."

"Well, I talked to Doreen, and you're on the list, so...."

"What do I say to him?"

"Just tell him you're a friend of mine. That's the best I can do for now."

𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 - 𝙎𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝘼𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙝𝙮Where stories live. Discover now