Painting the Town!

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A Night in Beacon

We receive a shot of F/N and Ella working on his truck in the parking garage.

F/N: Hey Ella, it's very convenient that Ozpin gave us a car lift. 

Ella: *Wipes head* You're not wrong. *Takes out the last of the new suspension kits* Here you go sweetheart. The last one!

F/N: Thank you~ *Grabs it then bolts it into place* There finished, nice let's see how this drives.

The mercenary then put the truck down on the ground, they got into the cab, started it, and drove off into the distance. While they were driving the truck, Ella received a message from Yang.

Yang (Text): Yo guys, meets us by Junior's Bar. We got some work to do.

Ella: *Texts back* Alright, we're on our way! *To F/N* Darling... Floor it!

F/N did what he was told and steps on the gas. As he did that, the new suspension kit made the truck almost perform a wheelie.


---Meanwhile with Yang and Neptune---

We get a scene of Yang on her motorcycle, with Neptune riding on the back, arriving at the most shady part of town. They dismounted their motorcycle and started to walk towards an specific bar.

Yang: *Fixes hair* We're here!

Neptune: Cool. *Looks around* And where's exactly is... here?

Yang: Junior's Bar! But before we go in, let's wait for our friends.

Neptune (Confused): *Raises eyebrow* Friends?

The 2 heard a loud V8 engine coming their way and they turn around to see LED headlights from around the corner.

Neptune: Is that them?

Yang: *Sarcastic* Naaaahhh dude, that ain't them. *Sigh* Oh course it's them!

Out of nowhere, Yang and Neptune see a grey Toyota Tundra drifting from around the corner, drove towards them, and drifted into a parking spot.

(Just imagine that it's a Tundra)

As soon as the truck stopped, 2 figures exited exited the vehicle.

F/N: Hey Yang, *looks at Neptune* Who's that?

Neptune: What's up? I'm Neptune Vasilias. Nice to meet you.

F/N: Hello Neptune, name's F/N Magnum. *Gestures to his girlfriend* And she is my beautiful girlfriend, Ella Morris. *She gives a small wave*

Yang: With intros done, let's head in Junior's Bar!

As they walked up to the pub, one of the guards commanded the other one.

Guard #1: Hurry! Seal and lock the door! She's coming!

The bouncers had shut some rather large doors and locked them.

Yang: Aww damn it! Doors are shut tight!

F/N: Hm * Lightbulb appears over his head, but he breaks it* I have something that might 'blow' it open.

Ella: You don't mean...

F/N: Oh yes indeed darling. Get your guns ready, and let's trash this place. *Takes out a large breaching charge and places it on the door* EVERYBODY STAND BY!

Beacon's Mercenary: RWBY x Male reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now