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My auntie is in town and my little 2yr old cousin and 4yr old cousin are also in town. Mom and Auntie left my 2yr old cousin who goes by the name Mariel, and my 4yr year old cousin who goes by Jieqyung are both girls. I'm planning to go to Mingrui's house but how?

I GOT IT! I'll bring them to Mingrui's House!


*knock knock*

"Mingrui!" I Said while holding the Mariel in my hand and Jieqyung holding my hand

" y/n?" He said confused

"Oh yeah, forgot to remind you. Well" y/n said

"Who are these?" He Said pointing to your cousins

"My cousins! I'm babysitting." I Said

"Oh come in then" He said while opening the door

We sat on the couch and Ming Rui Said

"Mind introducing them to me?"

"This is Mariel. She 2yrs. Old and then Jieqyung whose 4yrs. Old" I Said

"Hi!" Jieqyung said

"Hey there! So cute!!!" Mingrui Said while pinching her cheeks

"I'm hungry!" Jieqyung said

"Okay I'll get you something to eat" I Said

"can we go for a walk outside?" She asked Mingrui

"Sure but ask y/n first?" He said

"Y/n!" She Said

"Sure!" I Said

After making pancakes for Mariel and Jieqyung they came back just in time
After they ate we played with my cousins and then while playing with Mariel I noticed that Mingrui was looking at me.

"What?" I Said

"You look like a mom." He said

"Wha-what?" I asked

"You look beautiful." He said

"Tha-thanks" I Said shyly

Awkward silence

Jieqyung broke the silence by saying

"Y/N! Your boyfriend is cute!" She Said

"Huh?!" Ming Rui Said

"Well too bad cause he's mine!" I said

(To be continued)

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