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While leaving Mingrui's home

"Mingrui! Don't forget" Jieqyung said

"What?" Mingrui Said

"My dance recital!" Jieqyung said

"Ohhhh ok then! 6pm!" Mingrui Said

They both waved goodbye

............................................................next day.....................................................................

I tied my cousin's hair in a ponytail and fixed her skirt

I texted Mingrui just in case he forgot

My cousin was about to leave so I wished her a little goodluck

Mingrui's POV

I was practicing for our upcoming debut when it was about 5:55 I checked my phone and my eyes widened to the message I got

"I gotta go" Mingrui Said

All the members were confused why he was in a hurry


Jieqyung's performance was about to start then I checked my phone if I had any missed calls from Mingrui but none

When the music started Mingrui sat beside me.

"Did I miss anything?" He said

"You're just in time" I said

"I'm sorr-" he was cut off by me shushing him because the performance has started


When Jieqyung's performance ended I went back stage to congratulate her

Then she saw Mingrui and her face lightened up

Jieqyung hugged Mingrui and whispered to me

"y/n, he's boyfriend approved to me" Jieqyung whispered

"What? He's not my boyfriend tho" I Said

"Yes I am" Mingrui Said

"What?! How? Why!" I Said

"Because I'm asking you out on a date" he said

"Really?" I Said

"Will you come tonight?" He asked

"Sure!" I Said

Then at the end of the day we all went home but.... I still have a date

(To be continued)

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