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Mingrui's POV

Next day y/n me to go grocery shopping with her. Remembering Xin Long's "curse" i made up an excuse to why I cant come. I need to make something up. I cant be like this forever, I cant just resist her.

Do I have to break up with her?

I think I have to. But I never want to. I cant break up with her! But I cant love her. UGHHHHH!

I accidentally pushed all of the things from my desk to the ground which made a loud noise so Zeyu came in

"Dude. Are you okay? What's that loud noise?" He said

"I need help." I said

"Help with what?" He asked

After explaning him what happened he told me that its for the best to break up with y/n because its for her own safety.

After that Zeyu left my room

I took time to think about it so I went downstairs to get water but then I saw Xin Long hyung so I went upstairs again.

If I break up with y/n then i'll break her heart

I texted y/n

y/n I'm breaking up with you. Im sorry, I never intended to

After that I cried myself to sleep


After seeing Ming rui's text I was shocked. But I didn't cry and I didn't t know why.

I have a feeling that Mingrui wouldn't just break up with me with a text message. Mingrui wouldn't just leave me like that.

I came up with a plan so I would know if Mingrui really wanted to break up with me. I smell something fishy right here.

(To be continued)

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