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Ming rui's POV

I woke up with get well soon cards and balloons, flowers, pastries. I was very confused, no one is in the room. I look down to see a string attached to my body. I couldn't remember anything. All I remember was my name, then a girl cam in the room crying saying "you're awake!" I was confused, is she my mom? Sister? Who is she?



Before I hung up the phone I heard a loud sound from the other line. But it was too late to ask Ming rui what it is because I already clicked the end button. I stayed at Xin Long's grave and ming rui never came back.

I got soooo worried when I got a call from Shuyang

"y/n....." shuyang said

"Hey shuyang. How's Ming rui? Where is he?" I questioned him

"He got into a car accident." He said straight forward.

"What?!" I was shocked

"Meet me at ••••••• hospital now" he said

"Okay" i said

I quickly changed into something simple and drove myself to the hospital.

I went to the hospital and went straight to the ER to see Shuyang.

"SHUYANG!" I said as I ran to him, every step a tear fell. I hugged him

"y/n, everything is going to be okay. Just calm down." He said calmly

"I don't want to lose him too" I said

"Its okay, I know God will lead the way" he said

~2 hours have past~

We are still in the waiting room....

The doctor came out and said

"There will be a 70% chance that he will be in a coma for 1 year and he will probably lose his memory."

I cried we just thanked the doctor and before I went in to see Ming rui the doctor stopped me and said

"While we were inspecting the car I saw this." Then he pulled out a proposal box.

"Who is it from?" I said

"Ming rui" he said

"Ah okay" i said

I opened the proposal box to see a paper that says "you're my queen" it made me tear up so I went to see Ming rui.

I held his hand tightly. Tightly like it was no tomorrow.

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