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So at exactly 3pm I went to Sakura park. With of course, being a gentleman I bought flowers. But somehow this park looked familiar. I didn't mind though.

"You're here" I Said to her

"OhhHhHhhH flowers? For me?" She said giggling

"Umm no" I said jokingly

"Oh" her smile turned upside down

"Just kidding" I Said

"OoO! Thank you!" She Said

"They're as lovely as you ms. Jeya" I Said very, gentlemanly? Is that even a word?

We sat down at the park and it was awkward. She broke the silence by saying

"It's nice to see you again, Mingrui" She Said while looking at the sky

"You too." I Said

"How's your schedule? Are you free tomorrow night?"


"Ummm it's just you know"

"No, I don't know"

"I like you"


When I heard those words I felt delighted, I don't know if it's because I like her too or something. But something deep inside me says that it wasn't. My heart wasn't fluttering though my mind was in euphoria(a little imaginary happy place or something) with her. I was confused. It's like it was wrong to like her, it felt like my heart was already taken. But I didn't know who.

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