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Winter ended

Mingrui texted me at 5:00am in the morning saying

"Come to the park now, let's watch the sunrise"

So I got out of bed and wore this

I went to the park and saw Mingrui

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I went to the park and saw Mingrui

"Hey y/n! Come sit next to me. I have to tell you something" He said

"Why would you call me at 5:00am?" I Said

"So we could watch the sunrise" he said

"What is it you're going to say?" I Said

"I've been thinking of it a lot lately and............we had our first date and all soooooo would you be my girlfriend, y/n?" He said

"Ye- Yes. YES!" I Said

We laughed and giggled then I hugged him. I can't believe it! My crush a few years ago. Is now my boyfriend!

"I bought this ring from pandora for you" He said

"I bought this ring from pandora for you" He said

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"Really?!" I Said in shock

"It's- its shaped like a tiara because you're my queen" he said

"O.M.G!" I Said

"I hope you like it. It's all I can afford" he said scratching the back of his head

"I don't like it" I Said

"Oh! Oh it's okay then" he said in an embarrassed tone

"I LOVE IT!" I Said then I kissed him on the lips and then hugged him

"I'm glad you love it y/n." He said

"Thank you so much babe!" I Said

"Babe?! I'll get used to it😅" he said

"Well I need to go. Thanks again babe!" I Said

"Bye!" He said

We both waved goodbye

Xin Long's POV

I was walking to the park to see if Mingrui is there because he's missing again

I went to the park to see Mingrui and...... y/n!?

I put my ear close to the bush by the bench they were sitting on. Why are they here at 5:00am In The morning?

"Will you be my girlfriend y/n?" I heard Mingrui Said

"Ye-Yes YES!" y/n said

After that tears rolled down my eyes, I don't know why I'm crying

I've heard enough. I went back to our dorm and sat on my bed crying

"Why am I crying? I already knew this was coming" I whispered

"That's it. That's enough! I'll use these Black Magic for the good............ of me. I'm Sorry Mingrui I'm sorry bro" he said to himself

End of Xin Long's POV

As more it lasts more envy and sadness covered Xin Long's mind and body so he snapped

(To be continued)

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