4. Now what do I do?

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Sleepily I rolled over to seek his warmth but when I only felt an empty space next to me I immediately sat up with my eyes open, searching the room for his presence. I heard some noise coming for the kitchen. I peeked inside and there he was, cursing because just burned his wrist. I chuckled softly and went back into the bedroom to put on a shirt of him. Then I walked into the kitchen and hugged him from behind. He looked under his arm surprised but smiled when he saw it was me. "Goodmorning, princess. I hope I didn't wake you." He turned around and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "You didn't." I stood on the tips of my toes and give him a kiss. "Now as much as I appreciate you making me breakfast, I think I'll continue making the omelettes." I chuckled while we looked at his black first attempt. He laughed awkwardly and nodded. "I'll just put the bread in the toaster." I broke some eggs in a bowl, added pepper, salt, basilicum and lots of garlic. I also chopped some onion and put it all in a pan. While I was baking the omelettes, he set the table. When the omelettes were ready, I put them on our plates while he placed the toasts in a small basket on the table. "And ofcourse some coffee." He smirked while he poured it into my cup. A morning like this was my favorite. I was spending it with the guy I loved with every cell in my body. Ever since I first layed eyes on him three years ago, I knew he was the one. Although I never would've thought someone like him, a badboy who was part of the Southside Serpents, would ever love a simple girl like me. Yet I must have left  an impression somehow because a couple weeks later, he asked me out and after a couple days we were together. After six months I decided to join the Serpents too. They really weren't as bad as everyone said they were. Besides, FP and I have been spending a lot of time there so I basically already felt like a part of them. After doing the dance, I got a Serpent tattoo. There were a couple possibilities but I knew which one I wanted. I wanted the same one FP had but on my hip, so only he would be able to see it. At the end of this week it's prom and I finally convinced FP to come. "So which color shoud the corsage be or my tie?" He asked while taking a bite from his toast. I chuckled because there now was some nutella on his nose. While wiping it away I answered "A deep red corsage and the same for your tie." He nodded and smiled when I wiped the nutella away. After breakfast we got ready for school. "I'm going to make a quick stop before school at my house because I need to pick up some books." I said while I putted on my shirt. He nodded and suggested he'd bring me. "Well if you want...my parents would love to see you again." "Sure, I'll have a chat with them while I wait." "You're the best, Jonesy." I hugged him and gave him a quick kiss. With a wide grin he followed me outside to his motorcycle. 

When we arrived at my house, my parents were really happy to see FP again. I quickly changed into something else and changed my books. Back downstairs I saw my father and FP laughing and my mother rolled her eyes before joining them. "What's so funny?" I asked while I snuggled under FP's arm. "I just told your man about how pissed your mother was when I forgot to bring her corsage to prom." My mom rolled her eyes again (I definitely got that talent from her) "I had told you a million times to bring it so yeah I was pissed. But let's say you made it all up later." She winked at my father who blushed a bit. "We get the picture, mom." I said embarrassed. FP rubbed his chin and said with a wide grin "Maybe I should forget the corsage too." He. Did. Not. Just. Say. That. In. Front. Of. My. Parents! My parents first looked startled and then bursted out in laughter. "Oh God, I can't handle this. I'm outside." I screamed embarrassed and ran outside. A couple minutes Fp came outside, still with a smirk glued on his face. "Don't even dare, FP." I warned him before putting on my helmet. He laughed and drove away.

It was almost lunch and I felt funny. My stomach had been feeling weird the past couple of days but now I was just straight up feeling bad. The bell rang and I quickly collected my books before racing out of the classroom. I dumped everything in my locker and ran to the bathroom on the first floor. Normally it's always empty at this time which was perfect. I felt really sick now and I was just in time before my whole stomach poured out. After all my puking, I catched my breath before flushing the toilet. I stood up and walked to the sink. I looked into the mirror. I looked like I was hit by a truck and then thrown into a pool of dirt. I pulled my hair in a ponytail and quickly put on a bit of powder, mascara and lipgloss. It helped but I still felt miserable. My phone vibrated and I opened FP's text asking me where I was. I replied telling him I didn't feel well and that I'd go to the nurse's office. He asked if I wanted him to come but I said I would be fine. As I walked outside the bathroom, still typing my reply, I bumped into someone. "Alice? Are you okay?" Surprised I looked up, right in the face of Hal. "Oh hi, Hal. Yeah I'm fine. I just wasn't looking where I was going. Have a nice day." I quickly said before walking down the stairs. 

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