6. After all this time

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The following night I told my kids I had to leave for work but that I had left some food in the fridge for them

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The following night I told my kids I had to leave for work but that I had left some food in the fridge for them. "No parties and no drinking!" I warned them while I put my coat on. "Mom, please, who are you taking us for?" Polly asked with her arms crossed. "Can we at least ask Jughead and Archie to come over? Archie's dad has gone to Chicago to finalize the divorce and Jughead's dad has to work late." Betty plead. "Alright but don't make it too late. School is starting in two days and I don't want you to be zombies on your first days." Charles laughed "They're old enough, mom, they can perfectly look after themselves. But leave now before you're late on YOUR first day." He chuckled and gave me a hug before practically pushing me out the door. I smiled while I walked to my car. They were some special kids and even though they're not little anymore, they will always be my little babies.

A bit later I parked my car on the lot and walked inside Pop's. Pop was right about the calm shift, there were maybe ten people inside beside me and Pop. I walked into the kitchen and Pop looked up. "Oh you're here, great. Just get changed and then I can send Kate home. The key of your locker is inside of it" I nodded and as I walked out of the kitchen, a young brunette came in. "Kate, you're free to go after you've given this order to table ten." I walked to the locker room and closed the door. I mean nobody should see me get changed. I opened my locker and started getting undressed. I was just buttoning up my waitress uniform when I noticed there was someone else in the room too. I figured it would be my co-worker since he stood by my old locker, just around the corner. I saw his back appear from behind the corner while he was sitting on the bench. I placed my clothes folded in my locker and locked it. The guy stood up and I stepped in his direction to introduce myself as suddenly my world stood still. I forgot how to breathe and back away against the locker. He turned around to see where the noise came from, with his shirt he had just taken off, still in his hands. Suddenly the world started to turn black but somehow I didn't hit the ground. A voice asked me if I were okay and I realized two strong arms were holding me to prevent me falling on the ground. 

Slowly I opened my eyes and I stared right in his eyes. They were still the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, even after 25 years they still were full of life and a little naughty. He let go of me as I sat on the ground but still looking into my eyes. As much as I wanted to get up and run away, I couldn't look away. He swallowed heavily and looked at me with confusion. "Alice?" His deep, raspy voice made a single tear run down my cheek. "FP." I whispered. After 25 years, my heart was still pounding in my chest as if it wanted to jump out to his. As soon as I had seen his tattoo on his side I had known it was him. I had the same tattoo but on my tight. I had to get out of here, my heart wouldn't survive another second with him this close. I quickly got up and almost ran out of the locker room. Pop looked up from the table he had just served. I took a deep breath and got my act together and asked him what to do. I had to focus on work so I wouldn't think of him. Which would obviously be hard as he was working here too. Now I understood Pop's words of yesterday and I rather had him telling me then who my co-worker would've been but I couldn't just leave Pop's hanging after he gave me job... I cleaned some tables and brought orders to the table. FP was helping Pop in the kitchen so luckily I didn't have to talk to him much. As I was pouring coffee in cups for table six, the door opened and Charles came in. He looked around and walked straight towards me. "Hi, mom. I wondered if I could drive with you after your shift?" He asked while he took off his cap. "Sure, but you'll have to wait another hour before my shift ends. Do you want something to eat?" Besides table six and eight, there were no customers so he nodded. "Sure, I'd like a hamburger with extra onions and a chocolate milkshake." "Alright, I'll take the coffee to that table and then I'll place your order." Charles walked to a booth and I brought the coffee to the table. As I walked into the kitchen to place Charles' order I almost bumped into FP. "Sorry, I just have to, uhm, yeah, uhm..." He stuttered and quickly walked to the toilets. With a raised eyebrow I looked at Pop who rolled his eyes. "He hasn't been focused since his shift has started...I think we should give him some time. Could you help me out a bit? There are some deliveries that need to be prepared." I nodded. "This order just came in, could you get this ready first?" I placed the order next to Pop who started getting the burger ready. Mean while I was preparing deliveries. After ten minutes FP got back in the kitchen and Pop placed an order in his hands. "Get this to table one." FP nodded and wanted to walk out of the kitchen as I quickly grabbed the order out of his hands. "I'll do it." I could not let FP talk to Charles. Charles thought Hal was his father but FP could do the mathematiques too and realize Charles was his and I wanted to avoid that from happening. FP raised an eyebrow as I walked towards Charles' table. "Why couldn't I bring it to that table?" I heard FP ask. Pop shrugged and told him to clean the toilets. "Here you go, sweetheart." I placed Charles' order in front of him. "You want a sip?" He held his milkshake up and I shook my head. "You know I'm a vanilla girl." I laughed. "Which is why I suggested it. Polite but without any possibility to lose some milkshake." He winked as he took a sip from his milkshake. I guffawed and walked back into the kitchen to continue preparing the deliveries. After the take-outs were ready, Pop asked me to close so he could bring the deliveries to the customers. I agreed and cleaned up Charles' plate. "I'm going to the bathroom alright?" "Sure, sweetheart. I'm going to finish the dishes and after that we can leave. He nodded and walked into the toilets. 

I had just finished cleaning my dishes as FP entered the kitchen again to put away his cleaning tools. "You know that boy? He has been here for the last hour..." Startled I turned around. It felt so strange to hear his voice again and having a 'normal' conversation with him. "Uh yeah, that's my oldest son, Charles. He asked me to drive him back home." FP nodded. "He seems a nice kid. Do you have other kids too?" I bit my lip and I could see his eyes were filled with hurt but I knew he could see the same in my eyes. He tried to keep it superfacial but I knew he wanted know how Hal and I turned out and if I was happier without him. I was happy but not as happy as I would've been with him, I knew that deep down but I just didn't to admit that to myself and sure as hell not towards him. "Yeah, Polly and Elizabeth." I saw him frowning. "And how is...Hal?" I sighed. "He died a couple months ago in a car accident." He raised his eyebrows. "I-I'm sorry to hear that, Ali." Immediately he realized what he said and looked at me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." "Just leave it, FP. Look I'm tired and Charles is probably too so if you could just get your stuff and get out then I can lock up and hit the hay."  As much as I didn't want this to end, listening to his voice which I had missed so much, I knew I had to get out before my heart would get the upperhand. So I walked out of the kitchen and told Charles I would quickly get my stuff before leaving. "Sure, mom." He responded while playing some card game on his phone. I smiled slightly before walking into the locker room.  I was unbuttoning my uniform when the door opened again. I turned around, thinking it would be Charles but it was FP. I thought he left already. He looked at me surprised probably thinking the same. We stared in shock at each other and I knew it was bound to happen.

Our hearts gave in.

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