8. Little surprises

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"Alice? Are you alright in there? What does it say?" Hermione's words barely got through me. My hands were holding the small object and I couldn't stop staring at it. My hands started shaking and my heart was pounding in my chest. My whole future was visable on the object. Two small stripes had appeared and I just couldn't breathe. "Alice? Let me in! I'm worried." "It's open." I whispered. Hermione bursted in and looked at my teary face. "Oh Alice." She hugged me and I started weeping. "It's alright, Alice. I'm here for you. I will always be here for you." 

This morning, Hermione had driven to Greendale to buy a predictor. My parents had sent a text they would be staying in a hotel because it was too late to drive back. They would go straight to work after that. I had barely eaten anything in the meantime and I had puked three times already. Now Hermione had put the predictor in her bag so she could dump it in a garbage bin on her way to school. I was still shaking while sitting on the couch in the livingroom with a glass of water as I heard the doorbell ring. I barely realized it until Hermione said "That must be FP." In a second I was up and ran upstairs. "I can not deal with him right now!" "But what do I tell him?" Hermione looked at me while packing her bag. "Just tell him I'm asleep and that I need rest."  She sighed but nodded. I climbed in my bed and turned my face towards the wall. Downstairs I heard Hermione tell FP I was asleep and it would be better to let me rest. "Can I just see her? I won't make a sound." I didn't hear what Hermione said but I heard someone coming up and it definitely wasn't Hermione. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. "Just don't touch her, she really needs some rest. She barely slept last night." I heard Hermione say. Which was true, I had puked a couple times but luckily it was less horrible then yesterday. "My poor Alice. Do you think she will get better before prom and graduation?" FP whispered. "I only know she wouldn't want to miss it, sick or not." It stayed silent for a bit until I heard FP offer Hermione a ride to school. "With you on that murder machine? No thank you, FP. By the way, I came with my car anyway. I'll see you at school." I heard him get out of the house and driving off with his motor cycle. Sighing I sat up in bed and looked at Hermione. "Tell the principal I'll be back tomorrow." Hermione raised an eyebrow and questioned if that would be a great idea. "Look, I'm not sick so why should I stay away. Look I'll be fine but I just need to collect my thoughts." I reassured her. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay or call your parents?" She asked but I shook my head. "If I need anything, I'll text you or call my parents if I really feel bad." She nodded and gave me a quick hug. "I got to go now if I don't want to be late. I'll be back after school. Do you want me to bring FP or not?" I sighed. "I'll talk to him tomorrow at school." She nodded and left for school. 

After a refreshing shower I put on some fresh clothes. A plain jeans and a shirt was enough. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Those pickles looked so good so I picked the jar and some jam. I took out some pickles and put some jam next to them on a plate. Then I installated myself in front of the TV. As I was dunking my pickles in the jam, I watched one of my favorite feelgood shows "Full House". I just loved that show and especially uncle Jesse was looking good. I giggled as I saw little Stephanie stroling down her imaginary catwalk. After I finished my pickles I place the plate on the table. Suddenly I realized what I just had eaten and frowned. How on earth did I come to that idea? Although it had tasted just fine. I sighed, I guess I really was pregnant. In the meantime it was almost noon and I decided to order a meal. Since "Full House" had finished, I decided to read a book while waiting for the delivery. I had just read a page as I started to feel dizzy again and I ran upstairs. I hung over the toilet waiting for my stomach to turn and having my pickles thrown out. But nothing came really. Just a little bit so I sighed and flushed down the toilet and took a peppermint. The doorbell rang and I walked down the stairs assuming it would be my delivery but when I opened the door Hal stood there. "Hal? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" I asked surprised. "Mister Ferguson is absent so all my classes in the afternoon fell out. And since I was worried about you after I heard you were sick, I decided to stop by." "Oh. Eh do you want to come in?" "I really don't want to bother you, Alice." He said shyly. "No, you're not. Come in. I'm just being bored anyway." I let him in and we sat down at the kitchen table. "So how are you feeling? You seemed of yesterday and then Tom told me you were sick. Do you have the flu or anything?"I smiled. "It's okay. Yeah, I might have the flu but to be honest I already feel better so I'll be back tomorrow." Hal nodded and looked around until his eyes landed on the jar with pickles and the jam next to them. He raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "You definitely have a strange appetite." He laughed. "What? Oh those? No they were already on the table when I woke up. I guess my parents forgot to put them away." I stood up and placed them back in the fridge as the doorbell rang. "Could you see who it is?" I asked while closing the fridge. "Sure." Hal stood up and walked towards the door as my eye landed on my plate. I subtile picked it up without him noticing and put it in the dishwasher. Just as I had closed the dishwasher I heard voices from the entrance. "What the hell are you doing here?" FP. Quickly I walked towards the door and I saw Hal standing there awkward as FP looked at him angry. "FP, he was just coming to check up on me. Leave him alone." I pulled him away and FP turned around. He gave me a long kiss, probably to show off against Hal, even though that was unnecessary. I pulled away to catch my breath and smiled. The I remembered Hal was still standing there and I looked over FP's shoulder. "Thank you for passing by, Hal. I'll see you tomorrow at school." "Eh yeah, I'll see you then Alice. Eh, bye FP." Hal said sheepishly before walking out the door and riding away on his bike. FP closed the door and pulled me in a hug. "That guy better stays away from you. You are my girlfriend." He smirked and scooped me of the ground. I laughed. "You bet I am. But truly you don't need to worry about Hal. He's a very sweet guy but he's only a friend, he's not my type so a friend is all I will ever be with him." I reassured him and I gave him a sweet kiss on nose. "I hope he knows that too. Now what do you want to do?" He asked while placing me gently in the sofa. "Well for starters,explain me why you are here? You don't have mister Ferguson today." FP raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? What does mister Ferguson have to do with this?" "Well isn't he absent?" "No. I saw him talking to Fred before I left. Why?" So Hal lied? I wonder why. "Nevermind, I probably mixed up things. So why are you here?" I asked again. FP looked at me and then shrugged his shoulders. "Well the principal got a phone call from my father to tell me I had to come right down because there was an emergence with my sister." I frowned. "But you haven't seen your dad in two years and you don't even have a sister?" FP smirked. "Well he doesn't know that plus Hog Eye is great with imitating voices and technically you are my serpent sister." FP climbed on top of me and his eyes were shining. I bit my lip and smiled. "What are we doing, bad boy?" "I think I just have to examine my patient." He mumbled in my ear while leaving a trace of kisses along my neck. I moaned softly and went with my hand through his hair. As he started to pull my shirt off I suddenly realized I was pregnant and I could not be doing this right now. As I just wanted to stop him, the doorbell rang. Oh right, my salad, well that took a long time. "Who's that?" FP growled as I pushed him back to get up. "Before Hal stopped by, I ordered a salad. That must be them." I opened the door and I saw the delivery man and Hermione. I let Hermione in and payed for the salad. As I closed the door Hermione whispered "What is FP doing here? He should be at football practise now. Fred was already wondering where he had gone to." I chuckled and we walked into the living room. "Hermione? What are you doing here?" FP asked. "I could ask you the same. You better get your ass to football practise or Fred is eating you alive. Don't forget Friday is the big game for the cup." FP sighed loudly and stood up. "Fine, I'll go." He walked towards me and gave me a deep kiss before telling me he'd pick me up tomorrow morning. After he got out ot the door Hermione smirked at me and gestured at my hair and my neck. I looked into the mirror as she declared she would make an omelette. I saw a little spot in my neck and smiled at FP's little surprise. Then I looked at my stomach, at the other surprise he left me with. Hermione came to look after me as she saw me rubbing with my hand over my stomach. "FP truly loves you and even though things will be difficult I'm pretty sure you two will work it out. You always do. You two are meant for each other and you clearly love each other. That's shown by that little surprise he left in your neck." She chuckled. "Well but this little surprise here is a bit more shocking, Hermione." I replied as I looked at my stomach. She placed an arm around my shoulders and looked at me in the mirror. "But sometimes the most shocking surprises are also the most beautiful surprises in the end." and I simply smiled as she pulled me in a hug.

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