13. Completely Defenseless

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With my legs pulled up I sat down on the sofa. Tears were streaming down my face as I looked through an old photo album. Charles walked down the stairs and quickly walked up to me. He pulled me in a hug and I felt empty. I was completely broken. Betty's words after Gladys' bomb drop, cut through my heart. The look she gave me, as if I was a piece of dirt, I never thought my own daughter would hate me. I knew I wasn't made for a happily ever after. Jughead and Betty ran off and FP wanted to drop me home but I couldn't. So I ran off too, Hermione and Fred had brought me home and I've been sitting here and crying ever since. "Oh mom, it's alright." Charles tried to shush me but I heavily shook my head. "No Charles, it's not! Betty hates me because of my relationship with FP. And then she doesn't even know about our history or about you. I messed up, Charles. The way I always do. I simply don't deserve a happy end." Charles pulled me tighter. "Well whatever happens, mom, just remember I will always love you, no matter what. And I know FP does too. I've seen the look on his face whenever you're around. That man is crazy about you. I mean after those 25 years he still looks at you like a teenage boy, that's really love mom. So no matter what Betty thinks of this, I will always support you two, you DO deserve happiness, mom. You DO deserve your happy end." How did I raise such an amazing son? "I love you, Charles." "I love you too, mom. Now let's get you to bed." He took the photo album from me nd laid it on the table before propping me up as he helped me up the stairs to my room. "Good night, mom. And I'll talk to Betty." I sighed and nodded. "Just don't tell her about who your real father is. She would never forgive me for that." He nodded and blew me a kiss. "I promise, mom." He closed the door and I got changed. I laid down in bed and fell asleep because I was so exhausted of all the crying.

The next morning I took a long shower and decided I would go to FP to talk about us. I didn't even bother to dress up and just took the first things in my wardrobe.

 I didn't even bother to dress up and just took the first things in my wardrobe

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In the kitchen, I found Charles and Polly talking. "Where's Betty?" I asked them and Polly shook her head. "She hasn't come home tonight." "She's with Veronica. Veronica texted me last night to let me know." I nodded and smiled sadly. I poured myself a cup of strong coffee and sat down at the kitchen table. "How did you sleep, mom?" Charles asked and I shrugged. "Fine, I guess. Yet I still feel exhausted." "You're the strongest woman I know, mom, you'll manage whatever is going on." I smiled at Polly. Even though she had no clue what was going on, she didn't' ask me about it and I really appreciated that. "Thank you, Polly." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and finished my coffee. "I got to go, I'll see you guys at lunch." I took my car keys and drove off to FP's trailer.

As I arrived, I saw Jughead coming out of the trailer. He raised an eyebrow but to my surprise a smile appeared after it. I got out of my car and he walked up to me. "My father told me everything, also about Charles. Look it's definitely a big shock and it won't be easy and it'll take time to take everything in, for me and Betty. But my father hasn't been drunk since you've been dating and he genuinely changed. Also I've never seen my father look this in love when he was with my mother. All I want is my father to be happy and if he's happy with the mother of my girlfriend, then so be it. Just don't get all to sticky, around us." "Thank you, Jughead. That seriously means a lot to me." A tear ran down my cheek and I pulled him in a hug. A bit awkward he hugged me back but a bit later I felt the hug tightening. "Seems like we both needed one." I laughed and he nodded. "Mom isn't really a hugger. Anyway, I'm going to Betty at Veronica's. I'll try to talk to her." I nodded and Jughead left. I walked up the stairs and I knocked on the door. FP appeared but his face was filled with anger and sadness. I took his face in my hands and planted a kiss on his lips. He let me in and sat down at the kitchen table with desperation in his eyes. "FP, talk to me. I just saw Jughead and he told me he's alright with it. If it is about Betty I-" "Gladys doesn't want to divorce anymore." FP blurted out. Stupefied I stared at him. "She WHAT?" He sighed. "She called after Jug left to tell me she's cancelling the divorce and hung up afterwards. I've tried to call her back but she declines my calls. GODDAMMIT!" He yelled and slammed his fist on the table. Shocked I sat down across him. "What does that mean? Do you still want to divorce her?" I asked and he looked up. "Of course I still want to divorce her but I don't have much money left to pay a lawyer." "I could lend you? You know money isn't an issue, FP." "No, Alice, how would that look, the mistress paying for the divorce. She would use it against me in court to take full custody over Jughead and Jellybean." He sighed. "I just don't know what to do." He held his head in his hands and after a while I heard him sob. "Oh, FP, we'll find something, I promise." I kneeled in front of him and placed my hands over his. "FP, look at me." He looked in my eyes and my heart broke at the sight of the tears in his eyes. "I'm not giving up on you again. I finally got you back and no way I'm going to let that bitch steal you from me. We'll find something, I promise you that. I will be there next to you because I love you, FP. I love you and I'm not giving up my chances with you." "I love you too, Al." He smiled sadly and I pulled him in a kiss. I didn't know how this would go but I wasn't planning on giving up the love of my life. It took me twenty-five years to realize that but I was sure now. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this man. It wouldn't be easy but when has it ever been easy between us. He stood up and scooped me of the ground. Still intensely kissing he laid me down on the bed and we started to explore each other's body. We intertwined and collided. It was different than yesterday but you could feel the love between us. I wish I could just be with him like this forever but with Gladys around that would never be the case. But that was a problem I'd deal with later. For now it was just FP and I and our love, with all our guards down, completely defenseless.

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