Chapter One-River Racing

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"Just have to fix that tire then you'll be ready to race again, Rex." I said, rubbing my forehead with my sleeve. I was sweating like a whore in church. My brother Rex's a drag racer, and I'm in his crew. Actually, I am the crew. I'm the town's 'car guy'. I know everything about them. Engines, tires, everything. So that's why I'm the crew.

"Gee, Teddy, this is a fine job you did." He said, admiring the car.
"Thanks Rex. Just don't go too hard on it. This puppy was meant for speed."
"Alright, alright! I'll be gentle. Thanks a lot for this, you're a good kid."
"I'm no kid! I'm 15, almost 16, thank you very much. You know it as well as anyone."
"Still a kid to me. Mind fixing up the paint job while you're at it?"
"That'd be an extra hundred."
"You're pullin' my leg!"
"Fine, extra 99."
"What about I make dinner tonight?"
"Seems fair to me. I'll get Missy up an' running for tonight."
"Good man."

Rex patted me on the back and headed off. Missy's the name of his car. It's from where we're from. Jackson, Mississippi; Missy from Missi-ippi. I thought it was a stupid name for a car at first, but it's grown on me a lot. She's a white car with red stripe along the sides with the number 23 in blue under the window. It's a good lookin' car, what can I say?

I sat down, I was too tired to repaint the entire car right now. I had enough junk to deal with today. I turned on the radio, fiddling with it a bit before The Chordettes came on. Those chicks sure can sing. Music has always been big to me. Everyone was listening to records and talking about the biggest hits. I like music alright. I prefer the kind you can tap your foot to. The kind that makes you wanna move, and you can't help but shake even a tiny bit. That's my kind of music. I lay back and just take it all in. The Chordettes don't always make you tap your foot or somethin'. But they're like candy to the ears. Sweet voices that make you feel all sugary inside. I started to drift into my mind. I thought about when I'm older and I'm working for some huge drivers and own my own garages. People everywhere would know my name. Rex'd move from drag racing and start being in real races with the big guys. Lord knows he's able to. We'd be able to move out of Mississippi and Ma and Pa'll come back to life and...

The music stopped. I opened my eyes to see who was the source of inconvenience. Rex.
"What're you doin'?" He asked.
"Nothing now, you turned off the music."
"You was slacking off. C'mon, I'm not going to the river race without a car!"
"You've got a car, you're just not happy with the paint job. What's wrong with it?"
"I want it to look flashy and fancy for tonight."
"What, so the cops can find your car easier? C'mon, it looks fine!"
"Can't you just make it look a bit more fun?"
"Oh alright! If you insist."
"Thanks Teddy!"

He ran off again. I sighed, getting up and finding my paint. I might as well get it out of the way. I'll just touch it up and it'll be good for tonight. Let's just hope he doesn't mess up. It's definitely unlikely.

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