Chapter Three- Nurse Wright

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A chick in a yellow jumpsuit came sauntering up and waved the flag. The racers flew off, leaving us behind. I still had a sick taste in my mouth. Rex had never lost a race, and I had always given him the whistle. I'm not superstitious or nothing, but it was a routine that worked. I could feel the engine in my stomach when it raced by. It didn't really help that sick feeling.

I began to pray again. All that was left of Rex's car was the dust from his wheels. Everyone started yelling and screaming and just overall having a good time. But everything sounded a bit muffled. I just felt a pit in my stomach and then the noise went off.

A police siren.

Everyone started running off, since no one wants to be stopped by the cops. But I couldn't move. I had to make sure Rex was alright. He was all the family I had for Pete sake! I ran towards the siren, everyone howling at me to make me stop. They must have all thought I was a mad man. Hell, I thought I was one at that moment. But I can tell you one thing, I was a determined mad man.

The sirens became louder as I kept running. The red and blue lights flashed brightly and I knew I was getting close. My legs started to hurt but I didn't care. I needed to find my brother before the cops do god knows what to him, and fast. But I saw what they did. I saw what those men can do.

There he was, my brother, almost dead on the floor. The front two tires looked like they had been shot. Lucky for me, Rex didn't seem like he had been shot. He was just beaten up. I know why. It was obvious, Rex wasn't a man who respected authority. He had fought back. And he lost. Bruised, beaten and I don't even know what else. My heart was racing as I slowly lifted my shaking hand as I steadily walked towards him. One of the cops hollered something at me, but I don't remember what it was. I was too focused on Rex. I felt this sudden lightheadedness and there were these weird spots in front of my eyes. A ringing started, but it felt as if I was the only one who could hear it. I don't remember what exactly happened after that. Maybe it was because I passed out.

I woke up in a medical bed in a hospital. A nurse came in just moments later with some sort of tray. Her long black hair was in curls and she had quite friendly brown eyes. I'm usually quite a polite fella. Ma always told me to act like a Southern gentleman. But I just didn't have the patience just then. If I could go back in time, I'd change what I did.
"Where's my brother?" I demanded.
"Now now, calm down Mister Hudson. Your brother's fine."
"Let me see him!"
"I'm afraid you can't get out of bed for a while."
"Let me see him! Now, doggone it!"
"Calm down, Mister Hudson."
"Did them cops kill him?"
"I told you he's fine. Now calm down."

She walked over to my bedside, as I gave her a scowl. She smiled sweetly. Boy, that lady sure had a ton of patience. I calmed down after a moment. I'm not a fella who gets angry and stays angry for a long while.
"What's your name?"
"Nurse Wright."
"No, I mean your real name."
"My first name, do you mean?"
"Yeah, that."
"It's Ann-Marie."
"That's an awful nice name."
"Oh, well thank you."
"How old are you?"
"I'm 20 years old."
"Gee, that's too young to be a nurse."
"That's sweet, but you should get some sleep."
"Why? I'm not sick!"
"Well, you kind of are. You got a real hard hit on the head when you fell."
"Well that doesn't mean I'm sick! My head's fine."
"You still have to stay in bed hun. You'll get better soon. I know it's a bit borin' though."
"You been in a hospital bed?"
"Then how come you're a nurse? You should tell 'em they should make better beds."
"You're something else, you are." She said with a chuckle.

I didn't get what was funny. My head started to hurt too much at the moment to think about jokes. But that Nurse Wright was a nice lady.

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