First Date

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From Last Time: Red has won his Battle against Blue, but his girlfriend got raped by his rival from Sinnoh. 

In a trial.

Judge: Paul! im sorry to say that because of what you have done to Miss Leaf Green, you will not only be punished With humiliation, but the Boyfriend of the girl can watch you, and lastly you will be imprisoned for twenty years.

Paul: I protest!

Red: shut up Paul! you won't get away this time. You are Lucky Leaf is not pregnant With a child because of you! 

Paul: it would make no difference, even if she got pregnant i would leave the child to its own fate. 

Red: oh Your so gonna get it. be happy i can get bored by watching you suffer. 

Judge: Guards! escort Paul away. Red, i believe you have a tournament to attend to?

Red: yup, i will win this and then Return to my home. 

Judge: good Luck to you. just give me a Call if you want to see Paul suffer. 

Red: i will. see ya later Judge. 

The Judge smiles to Red but goes back to his own matters. 

With Leaf. 

Nurse Joy: im happy to say that the test gave a negative answer, you are not pregnant.

Leaf: oh thank Arceus! what big of a shame would it be if i got pregnant Without Red's child?

Nurse Joy: i don't know Leaf but i have work and i Guess you want to go back. 

Leaf: ok, thanks for letting me get the test Nurse Joy.

Nurse Joy smiles to her and goes back to help Pokemon.

Leaf leaves the Pokemon Center and begins walking towards the hotel room which now has more Security, making it impossible for Leaf to be raped this time. 

When Red comes home he decides to give Leaf something he wanted when she became his girlfriend. 

he changes into a suit that is more or less boring in colour. Black, With white under it. 

When Leaf comes home she is greeted by Red in an unexpected way.

Leaf: Red, why are you dressed like that?

Red: i want only the best for my girl, even though i hate suits, i thought it best to look good for tonight.

Leaf: oh Red, i couldn't care less if Your regular outfit got dirty, i love you and Your regular outfit, but i can't argue you look handsome.

Red: well, do you allow me to change back? this suit is uncomfortable. 

Leaf giggles and says: permission granted my handsome boy.

Red chuckles while he goes in and changes back to another pair of his regular outfit. 

When he comes out he offers Leaf his hand. she takes it and Red leads her to one of the most expensive and fancy restaurants in Kanto. 

Leaf: how did you manage to afford this Place Red?

Red: simple, i just persuaded them. 

Leaf giggles again and says: if you say so. 

Red: also i have a gift for you later.

Leaf: ok, i will look forward to it. 

The two walk in and is greeted by the staff. 

Waiter: ah Red, we have been expecting you and Your girlfriend. 

Red: i know, could you show us the table?

Waiter: ok, this way. 

the waiter leads them to a window seat, With burning lights, a heart in the midle that says i love you and view over the hole of Pallet Town.

Red: thank you Ed.

Ed: no problem Red.

Ed goes away while Leaf is trying her best not to cry. 

Red: is something wrong Leaf?

Leaf: no, nothing is wrong, it is just so beautiful, and you managed to get the best view. 

Red: only the best for my girl you know.

Leaf giggles.

Red: lets take a seat shall we?

Leaf: we most certainly shall.

Time skip to after dinner and desert(deal With it) 

Leaf: i can't believe it Red, you got all i wanted to try out just for one night.

Red smiles back to her. 

Red: now Leaf i got you a gift i know you always wanted on Your travels.

Leaf: on my travels? 

Red: yep, i caught it yesterday just for this day. 

Leaf: ok? 

Red: please Accept my gift.

Red gives her a small Box, she opens it and finds a pokeball inside.

Leaf begins to tear up.

Leaf: oh, please be what i think it is.

Leaf opens the pokeball and from it appears a female Eevee.

Leaf squels while the Eevee jumps into her arms. 

Leaf: you a.actually got an e.eevee? 

Red: of course. and i told this one how special you were, that is why it is so affectionate towards you.

Leaf can't hold it in, she breaks Down while hugging the Eevee. 

Even though Red hates to see her cry, now he is just happy. happy that he got her a gift she never would have gotten alone. (Leaf always wanted an Eevee, but she never caught one due to forgetting it or it was another trainers pokemon) 

After Leaf calms Down she Returns her New Eevee and looks on Red.

Red is unsurprising a little worried about what she might do.

Red: uh, why are you looking at me like that?

Leaf just giggles at him before she launches herself on him and begins to cry again.

Leaf: you goofball, can't you see im happy?

Red: its hard to see, but right now i know it.

Red lifts her up bridal style.

Red: now princess, would you like me to carry you home?

Leaf: well of course my Knight. after all the Knight should always be the Prince.(personal opinion for Leaf)

Red chuckles, bid the waiters farewell and begins to walk home to the hotel room. 

Red's toughts: i really am a Lucky guy. tomorrow is my day as im going to become the Kanto Champion.

Red smiles at the thought while he Carries, talks and laughs With his girlfriend in his arm. 

Wrapping up Chapter 13.

Wow! OMA(not an**, but Arceus for you dirty minded out there) 600 reads?! 

i can't Express how happy i am.  i really appreciate that so many actually takes time to read what i Write.

Stay tuned for the Next Chapter and as always: Have an awesome day good People.

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