A Real Battle And Doubt

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Warning: the following chapter has violence included along with blood. if you are sensitive to these kind of things i suggest caution when reading.

From Last time: Ethan fought a battle against Tracey and defeated him without breaking a sweat. however he heard Lyra screaming for him to help her.

Ethan is running towards room 180. 

Ethan's thoughts: i don't care who is trying anything with her, just let her be safe when i come Arceus. 

he turns around a corner and sees the door to his room. he runs braces himself for impact and crashes into the door knocking it down in the process. He sees Silver looking at him while Lyra is laying on the bed. 

Ethan's anger rises. He runs towards Silver and Uppercuts him in the jaw. He then procceds to grab him and throw him out of the window. The glass shatters and Ethan jumps after. (Room 180 is on the first floor without height)

Silver gets up while taking glass out of his hands. Ethan however doesn't care. 


Silver just smiles evily. 


Silver: i won't answer to you. i will just take what is mine and leave.


Ethan has had enough. He charges at Silver and puches him in the rib cage and sends him back a little. A crowd begins to surround the two. 

Silver gets up and charges back at Ethan who dodges him only to get kicked in the side. Ethan himself recovers quickly and deliveres another uppercut into Silver's jaw. 

Silver grabs his jaw and spits blood out on a random stranger. he then runs at Ethan and pushes him to the ground. he then procceds to repeatedly kick and punch Ethan who is holding on just a little. 

Suddendly Silver is grabbed by the arms and thrown to the ground. A medical team has come and takes Ethan to the nearest pokemon center. 

The crowd filmed the whole and already speculations arise to why the two fought. 

with Lyra.

Lyra is shocked by what happened. she only wanted to be with Ethan after his victory over Tracey, but instead she gets a visit from SIlver who tried to rape her, he only fails because Ethan sort of saved her. Lyra gets a call from the Medic team that says that Ethan is recovering but he is expected to be down in bed for five days straight. 

Lyra on the phone: what happened with Silver?

Man on the phone: he has been arrested after mister Gold explained what happened. we shall get more security to make sure you are safe. and we will install a camera in the hallway so you can see who is on your door.

Lyra: oh thanks. i can't thank you enough. but can i visit Ethan?

man on the phone: yes, since he only has a few bruises he just have to take things easy and then he can leave. visit whenever you want. 

Lyra: thanks. 

Lyra hangs up. 

Someone knocks on her door.

Lyra: oh god. if that is Silver im going to jump out of the window. 

she reluctantly opens the door only to see a girl there. her outfit consists of a white jacket, red T-shirt, black and yellow shorts, red black and white shoes with cyan coloured hair. 

Lyra: uh, who are you?

????: im Kris. are you Lyra Kotone? the girl who almost got raped by Silver?

Lyra: yes, thats me. 

Kris: can i come in?

Lyra: sure.

Kris enters and sits on the bed.

Kris: was it scary?

Lyra: what?

Kris: whas it scary to see Ethan beaten up by Silver?

Lyra: of course it was scary. i knew Silver was strong but i never thought he would be so violent. 

Kris: im sorry. 

Lyra: for what?

Kris: you see, Silver was my boyfriend at some point before i broke up with him. i knew he was violent so i hoped i could warn you and Ethan about him.

Lyra: oh, well, we sort of knew he was going to do something but, i never thought he would go as far to claim my virginity.

Kris: i know, but can i ask for a favour?

Lyra: it depends. what kind of favour is it?

Kris: you see, i also like Ethan. and since you are a good friend of him, could you help get close to him?

Lyra is stunned, shocked and uncomfortable at the same time.

Lyra: uh, um, i.i. im n.not s.sure how t.to say t.this Kris. You s.see, im Ethan's childhood f.friend. and we have spent almost twenty years together.

Kris: and he never asked you out?

Lyra: um no, we were both to scared of rejection.

Kris: are you two a couple?

Lyra: not yet sadly.

Kris: don't you get it Lyra?!

Lyra: get what?

Kris: twenty years together and he never asked you out. its proof that he doesn't like you that way!

Lyra: and how do you know?! you didn't travel with him and fought in Leagues together!

Kris: has he ever flirted with you?!

Lyra: as a matter of fact yes he has!

Kris: he is just messing with you! he obviously doesn't return your feelings towards you!

Lyra: like you know! you have never experienced true love!

Kris: maybe not but you haven't either!

Lyra: get out! and don't think that Ethan will chose you over me! five days and he will compete again!

Kris: fine! i don't care as he will not be able to resist my looks.

Lyra: your looks?! don't make me puke, you obviously don't have a clue about fashion sense! Even Misty has better Fashion sense than you!

Kris leaves angry at Lyra. 

Lyra is also angry but soon the anger fades away and is replaced with doubt.

Lyra's thoughts: what if she is right. does Ethan just toy with me? does he like me back? NO! i won't doubt myself. Ethan has kissed me and he called me the cutest thing alive. it is enough for me.

Lyra then goes out and heads to the Pokemon center to check on her friend.

Lyra's thoughts: Ethan, don't play with my feelings. i want to be with you and no one else.

Wrapping up another chapter.

Quite serious this one was i have to admit. 

Have an awesome day people, im still getting all warmed up on the inside when i see that you read what i write.


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