Bonnie's battle

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From last time: Ash found out that Korrina has joined the League. 

Ash has just eaten a wonderful breakfast. Serena follows up with it and slips her arms around Ash's neck. Ash chuckles a little before he wraps his own arms around her. 

Clemont has finaly waken up, but he is in shock, did the girl he actually likes say yes to Bonnie's proposal? 

Bonnie is still shocked by what Korrina said and hasn't even touched her food. 

Clemont: Bonnie, aren't you going to eat?

Bonnie: ...

Clemont facepalms, right now is the worst moment to be shocked in, especially since she is going to battle Tierno in the battle after Ash. 

Ash rises from his seat and is about to walk to the stadium, only to be held back by Serena. 

Ash: uh Serena? 

Serena: yes Ash?

Ash: can you let go off me? i need to get to my match.

Serena: oh fine, but you still owe me time when your done!

Ash: i know, now please?

Serena lets go of him only to kiss him on the lips, leaving him blushing while walking to his match.

Bonnie: i saw that Serena.

Serena: finaly Bonnie, you've been shocked for like half an hour or so.

Bonnie: don't change the subject now Sere.

Serena: what? is it wrong to show affection towards my boyfriend now?

Bonnie: no, but right now you gotta stop being so dominant with him.

Serena: oh be quiet, you don't know but he secretly likes that im so dominant, its part of my charm that he always falls for.

Bonnie: you know you sound like your taking advantage of him? 

Serena: what? 

Bonnie: forget it.

Serena: bonnie! what did you say?!

Bonnie: nothing i swear! 

Clemont: you two cut it out! There is no need to fight right now. 

Bonnie and Serena: Stay out of this Clemont! 

Clemont shakes his head and sits down, followed by Korrina. 

Korrina: are they arguing?

Clemont: yea, im getting tired of their bickering over nothing. 

Korrina then grabs Clemonts hand.

Korrina: well, just let them go on, they will stop eventually.

Clemont begins to blush. 

Clemont: o.ok.

One Hour later.

Announcer: Sceptile is unable to battle! The victory goes to Ash Ketchum!

Ash: Alright we won! 

Pikachu: Pika! Pikachu pika!

Ash: that is right Pikachu, Bonnie is up now.

Ash walks out of the arena and gets met with a bear hug from Serena. 

Serena: i knew you could do it, that is my boy.

Ash: aw thanks, but you know who i get my motivation from?

Serena: no, who?

Ash chuckles and then leans in, catching Serena of guard in a enjoyable kiss. 


Both Ash and Serena jumps a little, both look around and sees Bonnie looking at her camera.

Serena: bonnie! seriously?

Bonnie: what? i like Amour the most. And besides lovebirds, everyone can see you.

Ash: oh shut up, i don't care.

Serena: and besides Bonnie, your up next.

Bonnie: that i am, wish me luck.

Ash: you don't need it, Tierno needs luck to even hit your pokemon.

Serena chuckles while Bonnie walks to the arena where she is fighting Tierno. 

Announcer: Please send out your pokemon!

Tierno: Ludicolo come on out!

Bonnie: Tentacruel come out!

Announcer: The first match is Ludicolo vs Tentacruel, OK Battle Begin!

Tierno: lets begin with rain dance Ludicolo!

Bonnie: i knew it! 

Ludicolo begins to dance around, making clouds come and rain fall. 

Bonnie: lets see here, use Hidden Power! 

Tierno: dodge it!

Ludicolo dances out of range and Hidden Power hits the wall.

Bonnie: not bad Tierno.

Tierno: you haven't even seen what abilities we have, Use Hydro Pump!

Bonnie: counter with Surf! 

Tentacruel's body begins to float on a large wave, he then surfs against the Hydro Pump that Ludicolo has fired. The moves collide but Tentacruel has jumped of the wave. 

Bonnie: now set it down with Sludge Wave! 

Tierno: dodge again! 

But it is too late, Ludicolo slips on the ground and gets engulfed in the poisonous liquid fired by Tentacruel. 

Bonnie: Now hit it again with Hidden Power! 

Tierno: counter with Hydro Pump! 

The moves collide and explode. 

Tierno: now use Nature Power! 

Bonnie: Nature Power?!

Ludicolo's eyes begin to glow white, because of the terrain his move goes into Earthquake, the ground shakes and Tentacruel takes immense damage. 

Bonnie: no Tentacruel!

Tierno: Now charge up a Solar Beam and wrap this up!

Bonnie: not so fast! use Supersonic! 

Tentacruel releases a loud scream that makes Ludicolo stop its attack. 

Tierno: Ludicolo!

Bonnie: Hidden Power!

Tentacruel summons three Hidden Power balls and sends them one by one at the confused Ludicolo.

Ludicolo gets hit but its not out yet.

Bonnie: damn it, i hoped that would have worked.

Tierno: come on Ludicolo use Hydro Pump!

Ludicolo turns around and fires a Hydro Pump on Tierno instead, making him wet and angry.

Bonnie: okay, lets try again Tentacruel! use Sludge Wave and take him out! 

Tentacruel once again releases a Sludge Wave and almost drowns Ludicolo in the poisonous liquid, when it finaly leaves Ludicolo the poison makes him fall unconcious. 

Announcer: Ludicolo is unable to battle! the first round goes to Bonnie! 

Bonnie: alright! 

Wrapping up another chapter.

I know this chapter should have been up much earlier but im losing even more motivation to continue due to the complicated plot. 

Have an awesome day next and stay tuned for more chapters in the future.

That is all.


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