Ethan's Final Part 2

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From Last time: pretty confusing to say the least. Ethan and Lyra originaly went on a date, they ran into Turtwig19 who ate with them, Silver appeared and demanded Lyra come to him, Turtwig took care of him and Ethan went with Lyra towards the stadium to fight in the finals of the Silver Conference. 


Ethan and Lyra is walking towards the stadium. Ethan's heart beats at a large a pace. his dream is today going to be fulfilled. he is not scared, but nervous. 

Lyra takes her hand up to his chest, she feels his heart beat fast. 

Lyra: Ethan, are you nervous?

Ethan: um, y.yes. 

Lyra smiles to him and pecks his cheek. 

Lyra: i know you are going to be great, don't let them intimidate you. you are the strongest trainer in Johto. 

Ethan begins to smile. she manages to cheer him up when he is down. he just loves her so much. 

Ethan: so Lyra, i have a question for you.

Lyra: ok, what is it?

Ethan: do you want to girl.f.friend?

Lyra giggles as she notices he is stuttering. 

Lyra: only if you win the finals. 

Lyra then kisses him on the lips. 

Ethan is left dumbfounded while Lyra goes to the stands. 

Ethan shakes his head to regain his composure. 

Ethan's thoughts: im going to win this for her. im going to win.

Ethan walks into the arena. 

Announcer: this is the final battle of the Silver Conference, the battle is between Ethan Gold from Newbark Town and Kris from Newbark Town! It is a Six on Six battle! Substitutions are allowed!

Ethan: Kris?! You are not from Newbark Town! i haven't seen you in my home town. 

Kris: i always admired you from afar Ethan, when i beat you now and become the champion of Johto, you are going on a date with me. 

Ethan: What, The, Actual, F***?! 

Announcer: send out your first Pokemon!

Kris: as you wish! Croconaw! come on out!

Kris's own starter comes out of her Pokeball. 

Ethan: well, i hadn't thought of this before. but i guess i have to do it. Amphy! your up for battle!

Ethan's Ampharos comes out of his pokeball. Ampharos is as always ready for battle.

Amphy: Ampha! Ampha! Ampharos!

Announcer: the first battle is between Ampharos and Croconaw! Battle Begin!

Kris: lets see. Croconaw use SuperPower!

Croconaw Charges against Amphy at full speed.

Ethan: not a chance! use Thunder Wave!

Amphy charges up and releases the Thunder Wave right at Croconaw, Croconaw is stopped dead in its tracks. 

Kris: bad boy, use Ice Beam!

Ethan: stop it with Light Screen!

Croconaw fires an ice beam against Amphy who sets up a light screen.

Ethan: get out of there and use Thunder!

Kris: Double Team!

Ethan: aim at all of them! use 60% energy!

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